Chapter 15: a visit

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   At this point in the party mom is doing the dishes, dad is talking with the villagers, and Blaze is off partying in the living room. I don't where Blitz is but I don't need her. I am just sitting at a table twiddling with my thumbs.
"Hey mom?"
"Yes honey."
"Can I go upstairs?"
She turns around and gives me one of those mom stares. Her eyes lock on mine and I feel a big NO coming. "but most girls would love this party!" We have been over this! "I guess I am not like most girls." She sighs. "Fine!"
I practically fly out of me seat as soon as the word "fine" come out of here mouth. I made it out of the kitchen in a record of 2 seconds! Now to face the crowd. "Excuse! Sorry!" I say to random people as I squeeze by them. I am trying to avoid Dad's gaze as I run past him. Almost to the stairs! As soon as my foot lands on the first step. I hear "BANG!" What was that? All the villagers scream. "Ahh!" They cling together and nervously glance around the room. Maybe it's safe to go upstairs. I put my foot on the next step. This time the power goes out! "Ahh!" They all scream. Just like the movies. Maverick's ears twitch and his tail perks up. "Calm down everyone! It's just a power outage! We're fine!" The people aimlessly run around in different directions. "Haha. Just a power outage? That's what you think!" A gravely old voice says from the back of the house. The villagers start screaming and running. "SHUT IT!" Maverick yells. That did it! All the shuffling and screaming stopped. "Who's here?" Maverick yells in a deep serious tone. "Ah, you don't remember me?! Where is Blaze at eh?" The voice is drawing nearer. Blaze and Dad exchange confused looks. I can tell Blaze mouths the words "who?" And dad shakes his head. "Really?! You still don't remember me? Maybe my he can refresh your memory!" A kid in a dark cloak gets pushed into the open room. His face is pointed down so no one can tell who it is. "Who are you?! I demand to know!" Maverick yells. The kid slowly lifts his face. I see dark black hair a dark cloak and blue eyes. Shane?! It can't be! Maverick and Blaze gasp. Another man steps forward. Him in an identical outfit but with a small dark brown beard and short spiky hair. Maverick's face grows red and snarls, "YOU! What are you doing here?!" Mom gasps and faints into another woman's arms. Blaze about faints with her. I am as confused as a heck not knowing who this guy with Shane is. He doesn't even look like him! Well maybe a little.
His crooked mouth turns up to a smile. "Now you remember!" Maverick pulls his sword out of his belt and raises it in defense. "No! Your not taking her!" What? Who? How? Why? When?
He laughs and lunges at Maverick, but stops half way. "You know what. Shane! Kill the others I have Maverick!" Shane's head slowly turned toward the dude. "K-kill them? All of them?" He stutters. I could have sworn he glanced at me. "Yes all of them!" He bellows. The people scream and start to run again. What do I do?! My bow! It's up in my room I might be able to quickly get before too much damage is done.
  I run up the stairs as fast as my feet can carry me. My hands are shaking. Who is this guy, and why is he with Shane? I guess I will find out.
I kick the door open and flip inside. Where is it?! Corner? No! Bed? No! Closet? I peer in the closet and see it hanging from an armor stand. Yes! Quickly grab it and throw the quiver over my shoulder. No time to waist there is a mad man in my house!
  Downstairs the villagers are screaming in fear and dodging Shane's shots. Dad and "The Dude" are about to duel. I lunge for the basement door and yell "Everyone in!" The villagers turn to my voice and make a run toward me. I count heads as they pile in. Shane seems to be spacing out so we have some time.
As the last person waddles in i slam the door shut. I lock the door and push it to make sure no one can break in. (Yes our doors can lock on the outside with a key). I whip around, long braid smacking my face, to see Shane with his hands trained on me. His red magic bubbling and ready to fire. I reach back grab an arrow and knock it in my bow. "It's over Shane!" I yell, slowly moving closer. I keep glancing over at dad and "The Dude" ready to fight. Shane didn't say anything he just looked at me. He looked like there was something else bothering him. But what? Did he know who this dude was?
"Stop the magic Shane! Wait didn't Blitz and I kill you?" He smiles and lifts up his black cloak showing his rib cage and a huge mark where Blitz rammed the arrow. I cringe at the sight of it. "Shane! What are you doing kill her!!" "The dude" shouts. A look of worry swiped over his face. He went pale and almost fainted. "M-me kill her?" "The dude" rolls his eyes. "Yes!" Shane raises his hands and the red magic comes back. My feet feel like they are glued to the floor and my hands stuck to my side. I can't move! It must be a spell! Shane's magic powers up and he is aiming right at me chest. My heart.
  From over by the basement door I heard a sound. Jett, my best friend, stepped outside with her diamond sword. She gasps, "Phoenix!" No Jett! "No Jett! Go back downstairs! I thought I locked that door." She gulps, "Er, I may have broken a hole in the door to get to you." I can't look at her because of the stupid spell but I can tell she is smiling. I smile too. "Please, Jett.
Go back downstairs I need you to calm the others. She huffs. "Fine but Phoenix, I won't let you get hurt! Your my best friend!" I choke back a tear and in a strangled breathe whisper, "I won't die on you." And the basement door shut, well what's left of it anyway. I gaze into Shane's eyes and I swear I see a tear. "What are you doing?! Kill her!" "The Dude" yells at Shane. "B-but I-" before Shane could finish "The Dude" pushes him to side and raises his hands. Black magical looking streaks filled his palms. "Then I will finish her." He yells. Shane gets even whiter. "What?" No! Please don't kill me! My life can't end yet! I can hear dad screaming but I think he is tied down or something. "Phoenix Thorne say good bye!" Shane's face lit up. I close my eyes and wait for it to hit me. I clench my fists and brace myself. Ahhh! When I open them I am not blown to pieces I am perfectly normal. But Infront of me I see Shane. And wings? Black wings? Shane drops to the floor with a hole in his hip and a pair of black wings on his back. Had he taken the shot for me?

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