Chapter 1

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(Mariana Outfit Above)

Mariana you have a 12 o clock appointment today with Mr.Hunter here's the file my assistant Jason said placing the hands in my file. Thank you. He nodded his head before exiting my office and closing the door behind him. I opened the files and read over them briefly. Hotshot billionaire..blah..blah...known for his multiple art galleries and good looks..blah..blah..blah... looking for an art studio somewhere along the beach area.  I sighed before pulling up my computer files and looking at the locations I picked out for this appointment.

I picked up my phone and called the registration order on the file. Hello Mr Zanes office I heard a women's voice say into the phone. "Kayla speaking"! Good Morning Kayla this is Mariana Gonzalez from the Whites real estates. I was calling to confirm that Mr.Hunter is still coming to our appointment were having at noon today. Yes he'll be there. Okay Thank you I said hanging up the phone.

I looked at the time on my computer. It read 10:30. Great I had some time to go get something small to eat with my best friend Dena. I stood up and flattened out my brown suit pants before grabbing my bags the file Jason gave me and my sweater before walking out of my office. Jason I'll be back around 3 so hold all of my calls until I get back I stated. Yes Ma'am.  I walked out of the building and to my red car. I got in and placed my bags in the passenger seat before closing the door and starting my car.

I pulled out of the drive way and headed to Brenda's bakery. Once I was there I grabbed my hand bag and stepped out of the car and headed inside of the bakery. I found a table for three and sat down waiting for my company. I pulled out my phone and began checking my emails for anything new. Hola mama I heard a familiar face. I looked up to see my beautiful friend Megan. I stood up to hug her and kiss her cheek before she sat down. How long have you been here she asked.

Not to long about five minutes I stated. Five minutes and no one has come to take your order I swear I'm going to fire somebody Megan  said rolling her eyes and sighing.

I laughed at my friend. Running a bakery isn't as easy as you thought it was huh. No she stated. But Im happy. Good I smiled. Where is Dena she asked? I have no clue but I know she's bringing the baby so Im super excited I said smiling. Oo yess I haven't seen my little niece in weeks she stated. Rosa Megan said loudly. A young waitress rushed to our table. Three coffees. Teo with two sugars and hazelnut creamer and one just black, and three blueberry scones she commanded. Yes Ma'am Rosa wrote down the order before shuffling away. You are such a diva I laughed. So I've been told she laughed.

We sat and talked for a little bit before Dena came in with a baby carrier on her arm and a baby bag in the other. Ahh she's here i said standing up to greet our friend. Hey ladies she said smiling. She placed the baby carrier on the floor and hugged us. We all sat down and she pulled her beautiful daughter out of the carrier before handing her to Megan. Hi Tete baby Megan said kissing Amina's face. How are you I asked Dena? Good I just dropped Asher that's why I'm late she stated. You aren't late Dena I said laughing.

Once our drinks and scones were served we began to have our usual conversations about our separate business and life's.  Dena owned her own law firm,  Megan had multiple bakeries throughout New York and I owned my own real estate business. So Mariana who do you have an appointment with today Dena asked? Uhh I think his name is Zane Harris .. or Zane Haul. Do you mean Zane Hunter Megan asked? Yes that sound right.

Dena and Megan exchanged weird looks. You don't know who Zane Hunter is Mariana Megan asked? Uh he's a artist right? Not only a artist he's like a God in the artistry world. and I've heard he's also a God in the bed too Dena said lowly. I laughed. Okayyy and im just helping him find a new art studio. Yeah multiple women has helped him with things Mariana and hey always end up in his bed, having an affair Megan stated. Wait he's married? I gawked. Yes but not happily married from what the tabloids say she said.

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