Fousey Imagine

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"Please be quiet babe. I need some sleep before work" I groan and mash my face into the pillow. "I'm sorry baby girl. I just gotta get this video done today" 

He comes next to me and lays down in bed. He wraps his arms around me and kisses the back of my neck. 

"Baby. Don't start. You have a video to finish. Downstairs. And I have sleep to catch up on" "Well I know a way to make you fall asleep quicker"

He starts kissing my collarbone and trying to go lower. 

"Nope. Go finish the video and let me sleep for a little" I giggle and push him off lightly. "Fine. I'll be finished soon. I'll let you sleep while I edit and upload it babe" 

He turns the light off and walks out. I hear his footsteps down the stairs and slowly drift off to sleep. 

~5 hours later~

"Baby... Wake up. It's late" 

I open my eyes to see him laying down next to me and smiling in my face. 

"Why did you wake me? My dream was getting to the good part." I pouted.

"It's almost 9 p.m. I didn't want you to be sleep all day and then awake all night and morning"

"Thanks babe. But I've missed work already. You should have woke me up earlier." "Nope. I called in for you already. You need rest and a day off sweetheart. Let's lay in all night and cuddle" 

"Thank you so much babe. Now, you get a great surprise" I smirked. 

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