The First Chapter... DUN DUN DUN!

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Havdal Battleaxe's POV

Havdal Battleaxe was having a normal fay on the beach with nothing to do.  He was waiting for nothing.  He meant nothing.  He was a sad little dward with a weird beard no one appreciated.  That is, until Peridot Pineplume appeared.  

"HELLO GOOD SIR!" she screeches in my ears, shaking one of my hand.

"I am lazy," I grumble lazily. 

"And I am PURPLEE!" She exclamated. 

I rolls my eye, "What do u wants?"

"Well, I wants a gumball machine, but Lady Loopey said NO!  I am to stayed away from suger asmuch as posibble."  

"I hates sugerr." I ettempt to stand up and run a ways from this crepey fairy. 

"NO!" she screamed, grabsing ontu my shirt, "You haft to help mee!" 

"With what?" I demendad.

"With poving the innocence of my best friend.  Her nam is Allyssa Perry.  Will u help mee?"

"I am lazy." 

"Please, sir Drawf, I ca'nt do this on my own.  Geese you is rude!" 

"And you is annoing. Go away. I be lazy." 

"Fine! But this isn't Ovur." 

I thought it was ovur until she came aknockin at my afront porch.  

"GO AWAY!  I AM LAZY!" I shout, not opining the doors.  

"AND AI AM PURBLE!" she shuts back.  

"If I helps uuu, will uuu ga awa?"

"I cross my hearts and hoped two died."

I welcomes hur into my hut.  She sats down on my rusty ole couch and says,

"Thank you for your help.  You've been a great help.  This help was much needed to help.  Without ur help I would be helpless.  It is very helpful of you to help me help my best friend help someone help their cousinin help their dog help they're house."

"What?" I asked, welcoming her in my house.  She sats down on my rusty ole chair.  

"We need to prove her ennosense by going to Coarshire Safehold.  It is ungarded.  We shouldn't haft to fight.  Though I can fight.  Can you fight, sir?"

"I am laseey."

I let her in my home.  She emediately sats down on my rusty ole tabil, "I rember uu telling me that. It'ed be much appreeciatd for you to fight along sid me and me frind. Now, come, we are running low on tiem." 

We reaching the Coarshire Safehold and found her friend, Allyssa Perry setting on the gate.  Wow, that must've hurt hur bumm. She smilled down atse us and says.

"What are u's doing heres.  I'm about to make me gret escape!"

I welcomed her into the world. She sits down on the ole rusty bench.  

"EVERY UN, LISTEN UP.  THIS HEAR GIRL IS IN A CENT!" I yell.  Everyone chears.  The purple fairy gurl is smiling at her beast frend.  

"I nu hee could help!" Peridot screams.  

I welcome  Peridot into my shack.  She sits down on my ole rusty floor.  She looks at me admirerously and sayed, "You are lazy."

"And you are purple." I reply

"And we are in love." We say in you Nissan.


HEY GUYS, WASN'T THAT JUST AMAZING?  I know, it speaks for itself.  The plot line was just FLAWLESS, and I TOTALLY SHIP THE CHARACTERS.  WOAH.  

Seriously guys?  If anyone says that is amazing, I will laugh.  You have been trolled.  Feel free to like and share... okay... maybe don't share it... anyways, like you! -Blank

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