5. Tea [Dean]

117 7 20

[ for (quotev user) ;; @ totallyrandomzoe ]

Doilies of intricate ice embroidered the edges of the glass window-sills, their pale white opaqueness gently fading into translucency against the comparatively warm clear covering, melting and fading just as others came to replace their fallen brethren. The frost was a mural; a stained glass masterpiece painting itself across the pub's walls as though it was a rejected church. In all fairness, some would've considered alcohol their savior, supposedly. Apparently the world was suffering a lack of these sorts of souls today.

While the whiteness from the windows was nearly blinding, the fingertips that poured the next shot of firewhiskey into the well-worn tumbler were tinged red with warmth. They mixed it with expertise beyond most's years, checking the ratio between the ice and drink, fizz and liquid, flavoring and pure liquor. The chills that the brisk beverage sent pulsating across the bartender's body were nothing. After a few months, every employee easily learned to block out the coldness.

Perhaps that was why you stood without a jacket or any form of layers in the midst of what would most likely wind up becoming a blizzard.

As the drink settled, meeting the standards of exact science that went into its initial crafting, you shifted your gaze from the mug to the counter, where you had to squint in order to make out figures against the illumination provided by the sunlight's slight reflection off the snow outside. The burst of light was rather odd, especially considering the fact that typically, the intermittent candle or sparse flames from playful students' wands were the only sources of light. Instead, the practically deserted building was now nearly ablaze with tinted sun rays.

Carrying the cup with one hand and shielding your eyes with another, you made your way back to the main dining room, scanning it with trained eyes, attempting to match the drink back up with its orderer. This time, it wasn't too difficult. The two gingers were standing rather confidently near the back door. Sunlight cast their shadows just as they cast their green gazes around the room, seemingly with some sense of hesitation. One shifted from foot to foot.

As you approached the customers, a glimmer of humor sparkled within your eyes, somehow brighter than the light surrounding your atmosphere. With all the grace of someone who'd come to know their customers well, you began, "You're not underage anymore, you know."

"I suppose old habits die hard?" replied the one nearest you, promptly reaching out to retrieve the glass. "Years of training don't just disappear like that."

The other one gave a nod. "To be fair, they were good habits, wouldn't you say, George?" A smirk played at the corners of his lips, and as he closed his eyes, he added in a disproportionately proud manner, "After all, never got caught."

You sighed, folding your arms. Fred and George had become frequent visitors of the pub ever since their rather dramatic exit from Hogwarts, something that you boiled down to them spitting in Umbridge's face, even when free from her grasp. They always said it was for one treat or another, but you'd grown rather dubious of the excuse lately. It had been nearly six months and to your knowledge they hadn't released a new alcoholic product yet. Still, the reason for them ordering only one drink when there were two didn't quite add up in your mind. "Good for you, then," you smiled gently, giving them a gleam of satisfaction in their self-proclaimed 'hard work.' It wasn't in your nature to pry customers, even if they were friends.

"You should learn," Fred continued, tilting his freckled face to the side and nudging his brother, who added, "yeah, you should. You're still sixteen, aren't you? Haven't you ever wanted to try it?"

"Sorry, you two." An obligatory eyeroll followed their prodding tease. "Against worker's policy."

"Because it's not against employer's policy to hire underage employees?" George quipped, sharp as ever, copying his twin's inquisitive posture.

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