It starts

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"Ahhh cheesecake so happy to see you agaiiin!" Vampire cookie says as he goes in for a hug with cheesecake
"Thank you so much for coming vampy!! I'm so glad you came!! Did you bring some wine today? For our... " Cheesecake looks around hoping no one would see her. "After party?" She whispered in vampires ear. "Ahhh why of coursee! I brought 2 bottles in case anyone else wanted to chill with uusss!" Vampire then felt a tug at his cape. It was alchemist cookie.
"Come on vampire I want some champagne and you have the money!! " Vampire sighed "Here, have 20 bucks now leave me be." Alchemist snatched the money and walked off to the bar. "Man, alchemist sure is something." Cheesecake looked at alchemist with a blank face. "Yeah. She's never chill. She always finds everything so serious. I'm even her older brother but she still treats me like she's my boss. But, I guess that what siblings do." Vampire sighed and took a sip of his grape juice.
"Yeah.. Well, have fun at this party! I'm gonna check on everybody, see ya!" Cheesecake walked off
"Alright everything is going to plan so far." Cheesecake was nervous. She never usually held a party without her parents being there. "Hey cheesecakeyyy!!!" Cheesecake turned around and saw cheerleader cookie
"Oh god." Cheesecake thought to herself. She hated cheerleader after what had happened in 5th grade. Share can't stand even looking at her after that. But cheerleader just acts like it never even happened. "HEYYY GIIIIRRLLLL!!!!!" Cheerleader ran up to cheesecake and gave her a big hug
"Heeyyyy cheerleader..." She hated saying her name. She just hated everything about cheerleader cookie. But, she just went with it. "GIIIRRLL THIS IS LIKE ONE OF THE BEST PARTIES IN LIIIIIKE???? THE CENTURYYYYY????? AUGH THE MUSIC IS SOOOOO GREATTTTUHHHH!!!"
A few cookies turned to look at why cheerleader cookie was talking so loudly.
"T-thank you now please. Keep it down." Cheesecake scooted away from cheerleader
"Oh sorryyyyy! I'm just liiiikkkee so happy to be here and... Yeaaahhhhhh!!!!"
'God shes so fucking fake.' Cheesecake thought to herself. "Hey cheerleader look I..." Cheesecake tried to find something to distract cheerleader. "OH look! Orange cookie is here!" She pointed straight ahead
"OH MY GOD REALLY????" she turned around to see orange cookie drinking beer with yoga cookie "OH MY GOD HEY GUYYYYSS!!!!" Cheerleader ran of to see her friends.
Cheesecake wiped her forehead. "Thank god." She sat at the bar.
"Hey cakey baby, what's the matter? Ya still nervous?" Sparkling asked cheesecake.
"No.. There are just...Well I..."
"Come on you can tell me anything!"
"Well.....this is the first party I've ever had without my parents being here."
Sparkling gasped.
"Wait are you serious???? Cheesecake your parents are gonna kill you!!!"
"I KNOW I KNOW... I just wanted to have a good time before the ball drops in about.." Cheesecake looked at the giant clock near the door.
"4 hours."
"But aren't your parents really strict about that rule?? No partying without the adults??"
Cheesecake nodded.
"Well.. How long are they gone for? 1 day? 2 days? 3 d-"
"2 weeks."
"oh!!..then that's fine."
"Wait really?!"
Cheesecake looked at sparkling cookie.
"Yeah I mean.. That would give you enough time to clean up and stuff like that and don't worry, I'll help you after this party is over."
Sparkling gave cheesecake a pat on her back.
"Ugh thanks sparkling, you're the best." They gave eachother a hug
"Now go back to managing this party cheesestick!"
Cheesecake chuckled
"Okay champagne man."
Sparkling cookie smiled and went back to bartending.
As soon as cheesecake got off the chair she heard arguing happening on the stage. She looked to see mint choco and rockstar cookie arguing.
"Hey.. HEY!! What are you doing?!?" Cheesecake stomped on the stage.
"Well 'rockstar' cookie over here tried to break my violin and he even tried to connect his guitar to the speakers!!!"
"Well uh yeah because classical music is so uhhhhh stupid. Your dumb violin is already as bad as the stupid party. We need some rock music!!!"
"NO WE DON'T!!" mint protested.
"YES. WE DO." rockstar stomped his foot on the ground.
They both stopped what they were doing and looked shocked at cheesecake. "Now. Rockstar you have to leave. Right now. I don't want any more of this stuff happening. Leave or i'll have to call the police on you."
Cheesecake pointed to the door.
"For what? Knowing that rock music is better?"
Cheesecake grabbed rockstars shirt
"o-okay...." Rockstar was headed toward the door but before he could open it, the security system went off and blocked all the doors and windows in the house.
"Wait.. W-what..??? what going on?!" Cheesecake wondered what just happened. Suddenly, everyone's ringtones went off. Every cookie looked at their phone to see what it was. They all got a text. Saying "Hello. Welcome to the cookie game. We have successfully hacked into the security system so no one can get out. And if you try you will be exterminated. There is a sensor located bomb inside each and every one of you. If you try to remove it, it will blow you up. Killing you instantly. Now how this game works, is that we will assign you a mission to kill some cookies and if you pass, you will live. But if you fail, we'll kill more than what was assigned on your mission randomly. There will only be one survivor. For your first mission: kill 3 cookies in under 30 minutes, go."
"Oh my god... This can't be happening.. SOMEBODY CALL THE FUCKING POLICE!!!!" Cheesecake screamed.
"I'LL DO IT!! boarder cookie yelled. He dialed 911 on his phone but before he could even press call, the bomb in his neck exploded.
Everybody screamed in terror.
"This can't be happening.."
Cheesecake fell to her knees and started crying.

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