Uh Oh...

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The two had gone back to the park, just to take a walk, as cold as it was,  there wasn't much snow on the ground since winter was almost over and spring was about to come.

"Thank you for the hot chocolate, it did make me feel a lot better" She smiled up at him, since she was smaller than him. He smiled back, replying in a happy tone "you're welcome, I'm glad you're feeling a lot better, it's an honor to see your pretty smile"

She began to blush once more, covering her lower half of her face with her sleeve, hiding a big smile "t-thank you" He quickly fell in love with making her smile and making her feel shy and flustered. It made him feel warm and fuzzy knowing that he can make her smile.

"Well well well, who do we have here." That voice made (y/n) freeze in her tracks, it's the one voice that she loathes to hear right now. She didn't even want to look at him, she just wanted to disappear.

Evan turned to look at the person who's voice that belong to. He saw a guy leaning against a tree, he was wearing a blue hoodie, with black jeans, his hair was buzzed cut, pale skin, his piercing blue eyes glared at him. This must be the guy who had (y/n) crying on the bench Evan thought to himself

"What do You want delirious" (Y/n) spoke in a harsh tone that surprised even her. She guessed that since Evan was by her side she gained some more bravery. "Isn't it obvious babygirl? I'm here to make sure some bozo doesn't touch what's mine." He spoke in a taunting and hatred filled tone, mostly directed at Evan.

If looks could kill both males would be dead, Both glared daggers at each other. Begining to glare at the blue eyed, she spoke in a harsher tone "I'm not yours delirious. Not anymore nor will I ever be again." That had caused him to laugh and speak in a taunting tone "that's what you say now sweetheart, but you always come crawling back to me"

Evan began glaring harsher at him, he spat at him in an angry and harsh tone "No she won't. She's strong and independent, she doesn't need someone like you in her life."

This caused delirious to grow furious "Oh yeah?! And who are you to decide for her! You're nobody to her!!" That had hurt Evan, he was starting to grow slight feelings for (y/n). She was perfect in his eyes, sweet, kind, beautiful, playful and so many other things he could list off. Someone like delirious didn't deserve her.

"That's enough delirious!! He not a nobody! In fact, he's my new boyfriend! So back off and leave us alone!!" She had yelled at him...  She Yelled at him! She never once raised her voice at delirious, never! So this caused him to go into shock for a moment before growling "Well you two better break up right now! Because you're mine!!"

She glared at him, still speaking in a harsh tone "no. Now go away and leave us alone! And don't you dare try anything delirious" she held her phone up high enough for him to Cleary see it "try anything, and I'll call the police and have you arrested."

That just caused him to grow even more furious, she always threatened to call the police, but she never did. Even now he can see her hand trembling, but he couldn't risk anything since they were in public and Evan was here to get help. Growling he spoke "I'll leave for now, but I will be back to take what's mine!"

After he had left (y/n) fell to her knees, Evan rushed to her side, worry pricking his mind "are you ok?! You're not having an attack are you?! Should I call an ambulance?!" She chuckled softly at his worried voice, gently she replied "no no, I'm ok, I was just overcome of how brave I was, and sorry for saying you were my boyfriend, I just needed to get him off our backs and-" She cut herself off when she felt him kiss her cheek

"Don't be, I know we just met and all but.. But I'm starting to grow feelings for you and I was hoping you'd accept being my girlfriend" He grew nervous not knowing what her answer would be.

Smiling, and feeling shy once more, she answered softly "I'd love to"

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