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When they entered school at 7:25am, John was stopped by the discipline master (DM) because of the bruises on his face he suspected that he is involved in fighting as the school take very serious stand on no fighting no matter is it outside or inside the school compound. John was being questioned on that day. However John insisted on telling the truth that he was not involved in any fight. But because of he can't explain how and where he get the bruises from and the bad conduct in the school. The school doesn't believe his story and insisted that he have involved in a fight. He was then being suspended 3 days from school.
When Joyce meet John during reccess time and got to know that he have need suspended from school she wanted to tell the DM the truth but was stopped by John . John still happily said that it's not bad getting suspended he now got more time to work at MacDonald and earn more money. John also repeatedly told her that nothing have happen that morning. Joyce's tears rolled down once more time from her eye and she whispered "why are you so foolish?"
John replied "because I think I have fallen in love with you"
Joyce cried and replied "Mee too"
So in miracles they have fallen in love with each other just knowing each other for 2 days.


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