The Dinner

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Behind the French doors was 5 pair of eyes staring at Claire and I, as we made are way towards the long table in which everyone was sited in. Claire told me to sit down but I didn't react, I was in some type of shock, until I heard a different voice that sound all but too familiar. Without saying anything I sit down second to head of the table.

Everyone was silent, there seem to be a thick air of tension between everyone and no one seemed to want to break it. Next to me was Claire which seemed to be less involved with the drama that was in hand. Besides her was a man but were I was sited I wouldn't see much of him. Cross the table from me was a man with dark brown hair and bright green eyes: he had strong features and a smirky expression placed on his face as if he found this whole thing to be a joke. Next to him was a women with vibrate red hair with hazel eyes, and once I glazed at her, she processed to mean mug me as if I was the cause of all these problems, which maybe I was. Besides the red-head was two other men one with blonde hair and the other with brown hair but since the table was so long I couldn't really see what they looked like.

From the doors behind me in came in a petite women with hair the color of honey and a smile on her face that could brighten up a whole room. She was carrying a platter full of food while what seemed to be different types of meats and cheese along with a bottle of wine. This women look like she just stepped out of a 1950's fashion magazine, trailing behind her was a tall strong looking man whom as well seemed to be traveling back from some distant past, he resembled James Dean.

The petite women came to place the platter in the center of the table and introduced herself to me

"Hello darlin' my name is Annabella it's so nice to meet you. Has our little family treated you well so far" Annabella said in a thick southern accent with her 1 million dollar smile still in place.

"Um, yes they have" I tried smiling back at her as best as I could " I'm Alice nice to meet you too."

"Well aren't you polite, that's not what I can saw about the lotto of you" she said will staring down everyone else in the room. As if she was a mother scolding down her children after they've done something wrong infront of guest.

The James Dean lookining man sat at the head of the table on his right was Annabella, who sat next to me. I looked around the room and one thing they all had in common was there soild cold good looking faces which at the moment all seem to be stone hard, besides Annabella whom seemed to be rather bother. The silence continued, no one introducing themselves and no one making eye contact as if Annabella had spoken a word. With that reaction in place Annabella went on some kinda off rant.

"Well Alice, I'm sorry to tell you but my famliy is full of savages ill mannered scolding children, which I suppose I would have to introduce them since they've seem to left their manners outside." After this she took a deep breath and started from the man cross from me.

" This is Michael and Vivianne then you have William, don't call him Will because he will get upset. Then Collin, Daivd, which you all ready meet Claire, and of course my husband Alexander." She said his name with a spark in her eyes.

"Which I hope when Claire greeted you she remember her manners? " It took me a few seconds to figure out that was a question

"Yes, Annabella she did" I answered simple and politely

"Well at least one of my childern have manners. Please, Alice, help yourself to the food on the table I'm sure your famished" Annabella said while placing her napkin on her lap. At that moment is when hit me that I haven't eaten in a while, I wanted to say it had been a day or two but I didn't know what time it was let alone day. Realizing that much, made me fully prosces what could happen to me here, right now at this every second, which put me in a panicked mood. I could feel my heart beat racing I was even shaking a little bit, all i could do is focus on not showing my fear. But as if they knew that I was pancing, I heard a loud hiss from somewhere at the end of the table. I was trying my best to stay relaxed I tried to reach for a dinner roll but my hand was shaking along with what seemed to be my whole body, I couldn't handle all this. That's when the yelling started, the two men at the end of the table were the first to stand up

"This ALL your fault!" the blonde, William accused the man next to him, Collin.

"Oh really, what was i suppose to do let her die?!" Collin yelled back.

In came Annabella "Can't we have one meal in peace, is that so much to ask from the two of you?" she looked like she wanted to cry or throw something at them, my best bet was both.

Wiliam and Collin were staring each other down, and as if they have spoken again they pounced on each other like wild animals. William throw Collin aganist the wall making a dent into the wall, at this moment Willam grabbed Collin by the neck. In came in Alexander and David ripping apart William to what seemed to be his prey. "Enough" Alexander hissed at William let go, Collin following off Willan's iron grip messaging his neck in the processes.

" A good old-fashion sit down meal would be nice." I heard Michael confronting Annabella. "but lets not play coy. We all know why we're here and what the problem in hand is" Michael emphasized all, to make sure everyone understand that I knew as well.

"Yes that is true but there is no need for yelling and fighting, she not a piece of funiture or a dog. She's a human being." David the man standing next Claire proclaimed, which I'm glad someone was on my side.

"Oh my God! Can we stop with this fucking bullshit!!" blurted out Vivianne

"Watch your language!" Annabella scold at her, Vivianne just looked away from here deadly stare.

The only person still quite in this whole arguement was Alexander, which by that point everyone was quite and looking at him for an answer. Alexander stood up in front of the table and by some domino affect everyone sat down "Obviously everyone has bottled up and mixed feelings about this topic, which the shouting and fighting will solve the problem. I thought when this young lady had awoken up and felt a little bit at ease, that would have cool down the rest of you but that dosen't seem to be the case. Tomorrow after we've all eaten" he said that as if it meant something other than food "we can talk about the subject like civilzed people that I know we all are." Alexander looked around the room as if to see if everyone did fully understand. "Is this understood I do not want an event like this to happen again" everyone else nodded in agrument.

As if on cue eveyone left the room before I could even blink, Annabella appeared infront of me offering me a plate of food, I nodded and thanked her. Eat like there was no tomorrow and maybe there wasn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2014 ⏰

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