Taking the bus

12 1 1

I sat on the peeling, red bench waiting for the bus. My bike was gone which meant that I had to pay to get anywhere it was that or walk, and I did not feel like walking. The air was damp and there was a distinct smell of piss in the air, god I hated bus stops. There was always that one person who you wanted to avoid but they seemed to love you. Like just the other day I was waiting at the bus stop and a stocky looking woman came up to me and started talking in a really heavy African accent. The problem with me, however is that I am too polite to anyone so all I said was "huh" and she kept talking in her heavy, heavy accent, that made me really uncomfortable because when that happens all you can do is nod and smile. But right no it was too early for anyone to be waiting so I was by myself. I guess I was always by myself since the start I've never had a friend, well a real friend, so I always had to fend for myself in the school and even at home. I looked around for the bus, the area was really crap and rundown so I guessed the sooner I got out of it the better. The houses were run down and some were even half destroyed, The parks looked more like a giant litter bin, the floor was covered in coke cans and chicken boxes, you literally had to wade through it.

Finally the bus came chugging down the road, it was the 12 I had no idea where it went and I didn't care. It creaked slowly to a halt just by my feet, it was a grubby looking bus the kind with graffiti scratched into the windows and gum on every seat. The driver was a stout man very small and extremely large around the waist, he had a flat nose that ended where his lip began. His eyes were piercing and beady.

" Are you gonna just stand there or are ya gonna get on ya little runt?" he had a deep voice that sounded like he was gargling marbles

" Yeah, yeah I'm coming,"

" well hurry up then,"

There were only two other people on the bus. One looked like a complete pot head, she had this bank look on her face which looked like she was saying ' where the hell am I?', I had someone like that in my school. They were completely pale and always had blood shot eyes, he spoke in this high pitched voice and sometimes he would scream out in lessons for no particular reason. He sacred the shit out of me.

The second person was asleep but had a black Fred perry t-shirt on which obviously had a few puke stains on it. He had a beer can in his hand which was tipping over and making a stain on the seat, not like it would make any difference. I sat at the front because I felt safe near the driver, I even did this on the way back from school because I was scared shit less of getting beaten up. suddenly an old woman got on the bus she looked about eighty, she had a long nose that came to a sharp point at the end, it was so long I was scared it might take my eye out. She had a low pitched voice which sounded more manly than the driver, her eyes were black and small they could look straight into your soul.

She came and stood next to me she had this look of peacefulness yet expecting something on her face. She stood next to me for a bout three minutes before I finally said.

" What? What do you want?"

" That seat is for the elderly and disabled, and I assure you that I expect to sit there,"

" Well, I assure you, lady, that there are other priority seats all over the bus"

" Yes, but that is the one I want"

Her lip was twitching which I thought was rather funny.

" Well, I don't give a fuck do I?"

" Well I never!" her face crinkled up like a moldy apple

" Are you going to sit down or what?"

" No not in any other seat"

" I don't care you're not getting this one"

The next stop was mine anyway I had no idea where I was I just didn't want to be on that bus.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2012 ⏰

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