Chapter 1

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No one POV

Kakashi and Iruka was having breakfast in their home when a Anbu came to their home to tell that the Hokage want to meet with both of them immediately.

"You think what he want us to do this time? " ask Iruka to Kakashi who still drinking his coffee.

"Honestly, i don't know but i think whatever something he want to tell us or what he want us to do must be important because he send a Anbu to calling for us. If not the important thing he must just send a ninja to calling for us." answer Kakashi towards his beloved lover question.

The two of them finishing their breakfast and Iruka stand up and pick up the plate to wash the dishes.

"Kakashi can you help me? " ask Iruka.

"Yeah, what is it? " reply Kakashi.

"Could you go get my jacket in our room because i think that after i finish with this dishes we can just go straight to Hokage Tower? " ask Iruka with his explanation.

"Okay, i will do what ever you want me to do but remember you have to pay me tonight." Kakashi said with a little smirk and leave to go get Iruka jacket in their bedroom. Meanwhile Iruka was blushing hard remembering what he get himself into.

After Iruka finished with the dishes and wear his jacket, both of them leave to Hokage Tower after lock the house. When they arrive in front of Hokage office Kakashi knock on the door, after they heard the Hokage said 'come in' they enter the room.

They will not surprise if they see a crip inside the Hokage office because they know that the third Hokage was taking care of the fourth Hokage son who name was Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki. Naruto's parents have died one years ago when they try to fight with the nine tail fox who also been recall as Kyubi no Kitsune. Before they die, they successful to stop the beast by sealing it in their son body because just the Uzumaki clan can be sealing with the nine tail fox. They think that if they do this the Konoha villagers can see their son as the hero but they wrong, Konoha villagers always try to kill Naruto. The villagers think that Naruto was the same demon that killed their family. So the third Hokage take Naruto with him to take a good care of his bestfriend son. He knew Naruto didnt do any mistake because he doesn't know anything, he just a baby.

What make Kakashi and Iruka surprise is inside the Hokage office have another crib.

"Excuse us Hokage, a Anbu came to us and said that you was calling for us." Kakashi start the conversation.

"Yes i was calling for both of you because i have mission for you two. This mission called as A-raked mission." answers the Hokage.

"Okay, can you tell us what was the mission?" ask Iruka politely.

The Hokage stand up from his chair and walk to one of the crib and pick up the sleeping Naruto in his arms. Naruto stir a bit but the Hokage work fast and shove the dummy into Naruto mouth.

"As you know this is Naruto. Last night one of the Anbu patrolling around the village and stop by at the house who i was hired to be Naruto babysitter. When he sneak into the house to looking for Naruto condition because i ask him to. He see that the woman who i hired to be the babysitter with another villagers try to kill Naruto. So the Anbu have to killed them and bring Naruto to me." said the Hokage. He walk towards Iruka and give the sleeping baby Naruto in his arms to Iruka who happily take the baby into his own arms.

After the Hokage give baby Naruto to Iruka he walk to another crip. He pick up another sleeping baby. Unlike baby Naruto, Naruto has a blonde hair but this baby has a raven hair. He walk towards Kakashi and handed the baby to Kakashi who hesitedly take the baby into his arms. After that the hokage walk back to his chair behind his desk and sit down.

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