The forgotten

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OK Hello everyone, I know many people don't read this but I'm going to say it anyway but if your wanting to know a bit more about each characters past then do leave a comment and I will do my best to write about them. Enjoy

-- Leo's POV--

I had been locked up in this room for I don't know how long. 

I had heard from the guard's from outside of my cell that it had started to snow.  But also there was a massive fire on the other side of the forest. They said that it might of been one of the seven deadly sins as it was not a natural fire. 

They were right about though cause I felt it the power of it rushing through the forest, trying to reach something, someone. 

My uncle and cousin only came to check on me but also to get some of my blood. I had tried to fight against them but it was no use. I had only earned a slap in the face. 

I had mostly slept through out the long hours, and only woke up if I needed to go, which there was a nice bathroom connected to the cell room, or because I had company. 

Food was delivered to me sometimes and it seemed these people were really wanting to keep me alive. 

Slowly hopping off the bed, I headed to the bathroom. Pain shooting through my body, I kept moving, my leg was healed by a kind witch who said if I did anything bad they would break my leg again so she told me to just be careful or else. Looking at the damaged mirror in front of me, I looked at myself and I had to say I looked horrid. 

I had bags under my eye's, my lip's swollen, I had a few scratches on my cheek but other than that no one would take second glace if someone came in to look at me or give food to me. 

Turning on the tap, the cold water rushed through my waiting hands in the sink as I washed my face with the chilling cold water.

Grabbing for the towel on the right side of the sink, I dried my face and took my more glace at myself. Still looking horrible, I just sigh to myself and slowly headed back to the bed. Yet I stopped and turned to the portrait on the wall, I looked closer at the rose just flowing on top of the dangerous waves.

It all most looked like the portrait was really moving, the waves slowly curling about to crash, and crush the rose. 

Knock knock

Turning back to the metal door, it opened revealing my uncle.

With a serious face, all he did was signal his finger telling me to follow as he walked out of the room.

Slowly and hesitantly I follow. Keeping my eye's open and my ears perked, I didn't let my guard down. 

Walking into a normal looking hall way I followed the older man.

Turning to the right we headed through a massive hall area. Looking around all of it looked ancient and classic. 

Walking pass the massive area, we turn left down another small hallway before stopping at a rather beautifully designed door. 

Keeping myself together, I let my eyes roam my uncle trying to see what he was up to.

Opening the door and heading in, it was a big beautiful office. Everything seemed to be made out of different woods from trees.

   Taking a seat at his desk my uncle pointed to a chair as he spoke.

" Take a seat. I'm going to explain what I really need of you little nephew. " 

Hold a big breath in, I waited for the male to speak.

--Mark's POV--

Yugyeom had gotten worse through the night, and so had I.

Scared Bone ( Yugyeom X OC X Mark ) Boy x BoyWhere stories live. Discover now