Zane: oh god..
Aphmau: what's the matter?
Zane: I um..nothing! *zanes ears perked up*
Aphmau: your ears look so fluffy 0W0
Zane: um u wanna touch em? *zane sat down*
Aphmau: yes! Yay! *aphmau touched zanes ears and kept holding them* it's so fluffy imma die!
Zane: *giggles* aphmau careful we might get caught!
*katelyn hears them and she walks in*
Katelyn: hey guys! *katelyn looks at what's happening* OMG APHMAU THOSE ARE IS EARS DON'T PULL THEM OUT!
Aphmau: Katelyn I am not that crazy!
Katelyn: mm hmm *katelyn looked at zane and smiled* hey wanna go hang out some where after school?
Zane: y-yea! Sure! *zane smiled and wagged his tail*
Aphmau: hey I wanna come to! *she let go of zanes ears*
Katelyn: aphmau I was gonna ask u the same question but after I was done with zuzu!
*zane blushed as he heard katelyn say zuzu*
Aphmau: hmmm are lucinda and kc invited?
Katelyn: yup now let's go have some lunch!
*zane gets up and fixes his uniform*
Zane: yeah let's go!
*they all walked together towards the lunch hall or place OR WHATEVER U WANNA CALL IT!*
*zane sat down and Katelyn sat in front of him facing him*
zane: hewwo :3
Katelyn: hiiii
Zane: where did aphmau go? *he looked around confused*
Katelyn: oh some cat boy with orange hair called him but she will be back don't u worry
Zane: hmm *zane just had some kitkat and offered some to Katelyn* here have some!
Katelyn: thanks! *she broke one of the sticks and gave it back to zane*
Zane: no problem! *zane wagged his tail slowly*
*aphmau came back running*
Aphmau: I am back! *she sat down beside zane*
Zane: oh hai!
Katelyn: back so soon?
Aphmau: yeah Kai had to go somewhere so I came back *looks at zanes kit Kat* MINE! *takes it*
Zane: well then ._.
*katelyn giggled at the face zane was making*
Katelyn: here zane u can have some of mine *she bit if Half of it and gave the other half to zane* there
*zane took it and ate it*
Zane: hehe thank u!
Katelyn: no problem!
Aphmau: MY KIT KAT MWAHAHAHAHA! *coughs*
Zane: wow
Aphmau: I know -3-
Zane: I think the lunch break is over
Katelyn: yea lets go!
Aphmau: yea!
*they all got up and rushed to class*
(Ik y'all are waiting for the part where things start to heat up xD)
Zane: ANIME RUN! *zane runs like an anime ninja*
Katelyn: OMG HAHA!
Aphmau: WOW
*zane stops*
Zane: I am a NINja xD
Katelyn: a cute wolf ninja
Zane: UH..*blushes*
Aphmau: yeah being honest u are really cute
Katelyn: yeah
Zane: thank u! *blushes and smiles*
Katelyn: can u a hug?
Zane: sure!
*katelyn hugged him tightly and so did Aphmau and he wrapped his arms around both of them*
Aphmau: wow GROUP HUG!
Katelyn: I KNOW RIGHT!?
Zane: YEA!
Teacher: GET TO CLASS!
zane: shit 0-0
*they all run into class*(Imma write more soooon :3)