Move it you bastard!! My worst nemesis kicked me in the stomach... The school's worst bully just came face to face with me and he said something vaguely about not liking my face. His kick had sent me flying through the air and landed on the floor about five meters away. I remembered wishing i could slam him into the dumpster nearby. I raised my hand and he flew in a flash towards the dumpster. His nose started bleeding profusely... His gang had abandoned him in a flash... He started cursing and swearing every colourful word under the rainbow...
I walked away from him my hands and feet hurting. I was still wondering whether i had really just sent him flying into the dumpster suddenly, my childhood crush came strutting by... I had liked her ever since we were in kindergarten, although i wasn't sure if she even saw me before... Suddenly her sweet voice cooed at me,"Jake... What did you just do to my poor Justin...?" She ran to the tall blonde boy with sky blue eyes and turned away from me. Another negative point to her...
I wonder when I can get together with her... Suddenly a tap on my shoulder jolts me back to reality. I girl from my medical class stared at my hands... A crowd gathers around Justin and no sympathy for public enemy no.1. I looked at alexis... She looked like a very studious girl unlike most of the sluts in my school. I got reallllyyy good results among my peers and because of that, I became public enemy no.1.
The bullies in my school treat me as a punching bag. The only one who treats me as a friend is Aden... The other just beat me up on a regular basis.
Because of my sad state, I began working out in the gym, and over the 3 months, I saw huge improvements in my build.
F*#$ you bi@#$ I heard a shout... I was really aching under the tough front i put up for the crowd. I hurried into a toilet cubicle and hid their for the remaining of lunch.