"Who are you?!"

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So here's the deal, You just moved in next to a girl.

Your second day there you decided that.. " Oh I'm gonna meet my new neighbor. I bet they're so kind."

You thought the girl was kind since yesterday while you while moving in you saw her, in the front yard taking pictures.

Of course you said hello but she just blasted in her house.

So now we're here today, deciding to see her.

You walk next door on her door.

You hear crying, a female crying.

"Go Away!!!!" It yells.

But you decide to stay and knock once again.

You were smart because then the next thing you know Ms.Bliss comes to the door, tears still in her eyes.

Bliss comes to the door, tears still in her eyes

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"Who in the hell are you?"

-Little-Devil- ITS ME YOUR DEAREST FRIEND AMETHYST AND I TOOK YOUR ADVICE!! You better help me when I need help doing this Account thingy. 😑

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