1 - folding

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"you're going to be moving to seoul with your older brother." jungkook looks at his mom with confusion, as she is setting up the dinner table. fidgeting with his fingers, 13 year old jungkook stands there, his eyes tracing his mom's steps.

"what do you mean? am i not going to go to school here? i'm about to finish my 8th grade year." he says, frowning.

"didn't you want to go to a different school? your teachers have been telling me you haven't been showing up to classes, and you come to school late. is there something wrong?" she asks jungkook, turning to him.

"it's just... all the 8th graders make fun of me. it's not my fault i don't like talking. they pick on me, and... i don't know..." he looks away, tearing up.

"this is why you are moving to seoul. it's much more safer there. i just want you to be happier baby boy." she ruffles his hair, and smiles.

"you'll be fine. trust me. hyung will be there for you okay?" she takes him into a long hug, tears falling from his eyes.

jungkook has been getting bullied ever since he entered the school he attended. his family all lives in busan, but his mom decided it would be best for him to go to school in seoul since she believes it would be much more safer and welcoming. he tends to be really quiet and shy, and has trouble speaking to others right on the spot. his brother on the other hand, will be starting to work there as well. jungkook will be entering the new school as an 8th grader.

after dinner, jungkook couldn't fall asleep. he's going to be moving to seoul in a few days with his older brother, junghyun. he won't know anyone. he's going to be entering the school in the middle of the year, which will be more awkward.

"it's not my fault i'm an introvert..." he said, crying into his legs on his bed.


"jimin! can you please set up the table?" jimin's mom calls from downstairs, cleaning the dishes.

"yes mom!" jimin ran down the stairs, almost slipping on the nearby rug, his blonde hair moving with the breeze that entered from an open window.

he immediately starts to set the table, smiling really widely.

"did you do your homework already?" his mom asked. he simply nods, and quietly says "ah~" and runs back up to his room. he comes back down the stairs, holding a sealed envelope.

"your weekly report?" she asked. he smiles and nods once more.

"maybe ignore the math grade... i try but my teacher is so dirty! she grades so hard, aish. it frustrates me." he groans, and sighs.

his mom unseals the envelope, taking in his thoughts, and opens it up.

"as long as you're understanding, that's what matters. hey, remember to take your nutrients okay?" she smiles and ruffles his hair softly, he nods.

"ah, i heard your class is getting a new student hmm?" she asks. he immediately remembers.

"oh yea! i'm looking forward to meeting them. it's my job to make them feel like they're in the right place." jimin smiles, showing his usual eye smile towards his mom.


"we're here." the voice of an older man booms into jungkook's ears. he opens his eyes, realizing he was already in seoul. a sudden wave of emotions hit him, but he doesn't seem to cry.

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