7 - feeling

387 20 17

summer after freshman year.

buzz, buzz.


jimin: jungkook? are you awake?

it was a text from jimin. jungkook was buried under his blankets and didn't want to come out. he slowly grabbed his phone by sticking his hand out from the side and peeked at the text.

he then immediately brought the phone right up his face, still being under his blanket, and let out a soft smile.

jungkook: well, you sort of woke me up.

jimin: oh my gosh, i'm so sorry.

jungkook: haha it's fine.

an awkward pause occurs.

jungkook: you know, we haven't really seen each other yet this summer. it's been about a month since our break started... 

jimin: i wish we can hangout but my mom... uh sort of wants to keep a look out for me.

jungkook: oh:(

jimin: i'm sorry.

jungkook: no it's alright! i've just been so bored, there's nothing to do.

jimin: maybe dance a bit?

jungkook: my brother is in the living room. i don't like it when family is around when i dance.

jimin: oof... sounds like a personal problem.

jungkook: shut up -.-

jimin: lol i'm kidding, i have to wash up i'm going out with my mom for errands and whatever.

jungkook: okay, have fun i guess?

jimin: eh not really

jimin is offline.

jungkook continuously smiles from his short conversation with jimin. ever since summer break started, he began to talk with him more frequently now online.

he just didn't know why he was so happy.

he ruffled his soft brown hair and placed his phone on the dresser again, and tried to get more sleep. he was so used to waking up early for school, so his internal clock always gets him up before 8am. he wanted to use advantage to sleep even though his brother tends to bug him about going out to get groceries or just to walk around the block in general for fresh air.

it was until about 11am when another text came to jungkook.

this time he was more awake.

jungkook grabbed his phone once more, and saw that it was from hoseok. he gasped and immediately read his text.

hoseok: hey kook! i hope everything is going alright?

he chuckled to himself, only because he read the text in hoseok's happy pitched voice.

jungkook: yea! is everything going alright with you? 

hoseok: yea, although i just wish i knew i was going back to the same high school you're attending this fall :(

jungkook felt his heart drop. he almost forgot hoseok wasn't going to go to the same high school as him anymore.

jungkook: i almost forgot you aren't even coming anymore:(

hoseok: yea:/ it makes me so angry. can't my mom understand that that incident was literally in the beginning of the year and that someone cleared it up? she's so paranoid that i'm going to be killed or something.

jungkook: don't say that. i really hope for the best at wherever you're attending.

hoseok: yea, i hope it's okay.

jungkook replied back saying "same", until he heard his brother call from the living room.

"jungkook, get changed! i have to get some stuff from the grocery and clothing store. there's an arcade right next to it if you want to spend some stuff on games. i heard they have overwatch there!" he finished, and jungkook immediately got up, almost falling off the bed and got ready. he wore a black hoodie, blue jeans, black combat boots and brushed his bangs to make them look neater and cleaner.

they made it to the little shopping center, and him and his brother parted ways. it wasn't really a far place, so they both just walked there together. jungkook was really excited, but at the same time he really needed a place to air out his thoughts. even though he was living a happier life now, he still wanted to be a much better person.

once jungkook entered into the arcade, immediately he saw the overwatch game on the left side. he ran and saw the beauty of it, his eyes were practically sparkling. he couldn't afford to buy the actual game, but he always played it in arcades. there was one in busan that had it, but of course after the move to seoul, he couldn't really play it again, but now, he can.

he went to get a game card, and practically stayed playing overwatch for about 20 minutes until he decided to get a drink at the vending machine.

growl growl.

"yikes, i haven't eaten anything today... it's already 1pm." he saw that there was a snack machine, so he got some seaweed chip snacks and gobbled it down immediately.

he was on his way back to play some overwatch until he felt something hit the back of his neck...

"ow-!" he turned around, seeing a paper airplane fall to the ground.

"jimin!?" he said in immediate happiness.

"told you so!" he said, and began to laugh.

wait... what?

jungkook tried to make out what jimin said.

"next time we meet, you'll see something fly from the sky." 

he looked back at jimin.

"that's what you meant before you left?" he asked. jimin nodded.

"you actually remembered, woah." jimin said, hearing a bit of his busan accent slip out.

"i thought you were running errands with your mom?" he asked.

"i was, i mean i technically still am. she's in the grocery store right now. she has to get medicine for something." he said, he got a bit quiet.

jungkook looked at him, with doll like eyes.

"is everything alright?" he asked. jimin snapped back to reality and looked back at jungkook, smiling once more.

"yes! don't worry. it's nothing serious..." jimin looked at jungkook once more, his voice cracking.

"sorry, i don't think we ever had a full on conversation ever since school, so i'm a bit nervous." jimin was beginning to fidget with his fingers and he pulled his hair back.

"woah, yea you're right..." jungkook didn't know what to say or do. his voice was beginning to shrink.

"but hey! i have this really nice place to show you. it's where i air out my thoughts since my house isn't really that far away. it's not far from the arcade, so whoever is with you doesn't have to worry, come on!" jimin smiled, and grabbed jungkook's hand, and they both ran out of the arcade.

jungkook felt his heart race.


and faster.

he looked at his and jimin's hands enveloping each other's.

he slipped out a really big smile.

thank you for existing.

to be continued.


a bit of a shorter chapter, but stay tuned of what is about to come! :)

- zee

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