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    The car came to an slow stop. You and your boyfriend, Sangwoo were at the front of your new college, Humble Harmonies. He wanted to help you unpack your things and be the last one to say goodbye to you, as you wouldn't be able to see each other for the next few months for a visit. 

     "That was such a quick ride.." You mumble groggily, rubbing your tired eyes. "Maybe because you were asleep the whole time," Sangwoo snickered at you, as he pulled into a parking space. "Hush, you.." You yawned and stretched for a final time before stepping out of the car. The bright morning rays of the sun lightly beamed onto you and Sangwoo as he popped open the trunk of the car. Of course, you carried the "lighter" items, like bags and hand-held objects, while Sangwoo piled on the heavier things, like furniture and luggage.

    You smiled as you remembered a time where you challenged to carry heavy things like Sangwoo did, up a flight of stairs. You ended up breaking about 5 vases and obliterating a box of lamps. Sangwoo was silent for a moment, but covered his mouth, trying to control fits of laughter. "H-Hey! That's not funny.." You had whined like a child then, a blush spreading from your nose to both your ears.

    A warm, pale hand pinched your cheek. "You're smiling like an idiot~" Sangwoo stated, solemnly smiling. You instantly swatted him away. "Haha~.. Its nothing. Lets just get to my room," You refrained from smiling even more, and pulled your mask above your nose and mouth.

     You and Sangwoo walked in loud conversation to your new room. Some people scoffed and gossiped about the way you two joked and laughed on the elevator and through the halls. "Could you two shut up?" A short, stocky and wrinkled man hissed at the couple. You and Sangwoo exchanged glances. A silent moment passed before, much to the man's dismay, you both began imitating the man and erupting in cackles.


    "Wow, what a dump.."

    Sangwoo scratched his head. "This place is a literal garbage bin." You hated to agree, but you did. The room was dusty and smelled of mold. Sighing, you turned and looked up at your boyfriend. "Nevermind that," You stood on your tip-toes and landed a small peck on Sangwoo's cheek. "Thank you for helping me, Sangwoo." You said with a close-eyed smile. You heard him huff and looked up. 

    "That's all I get?" He began with a small grin. "Only a small kiss on the cheek?" You were confused for a moment until he firmly tilted your head up toward him. He bent down and locked his lips with hers for a long moment. Y/N gladly accepted the kiss.

    You two pulled away, shared your final goodbyes, and soon you were in the room alone, left to figure things out on your own. 



    You gasped in exhaustion and flopped onto the mattress behind you. You had finally finished fixing up your room, putting up furniture and decorations. You didn't need to open the blinds and curtains to know that it was night. 


    You immediately sat bolt upright and whipped around. What the hell was that sound?  You noticed a pink paper on the ground in front of your door, with a white satin bow tied around it. That hadn't been there before. You cautiously picked it up, aware of the college pranks students liked to play. Tearing off the bow, you read the note out loud.

"House party at room #3204, Tuesday night

Be there, cutie :^)  ~ Ryann"

    Your face immediately flushed. "W-Who the hell," You mumbled. When was tommorrow night? Who is Ryann? How would Sangwoo feel about this?  Your mind flooded with questions. You fumbled with the satin bow and the paper, and slid the paper back under your door.  You jumped right back into your bed. "..Classes start next week," You speak to yourself. "and I have a lot of organizing to do." 

    You shut off your lamp, and drifted off into sleep.

{Keep reading!  I will update either tomorrow or later today. 

Date this chapter was written; 1.15.18}

Dancing With The Devil ~ {Sangwoo x Reader x Yoonbum}Where stories live. Discover now