18. Paranormal Conversation

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18. Paranormal Conversation

Zheng Mimi stared at mirror and frowned. She had overheard the chefs earlier and realized what they said was true.

In fact, her looks were starting to turn more and more similar to Yu Zhenzhen's appearance.

Zheng Mimi was truly scared since she didn't know what to do about her predicament.

It had been two months since waking up at the hospital and two months since she was in the body of Yu Zhenzhen.

And ever since waking up in the modern world, Zheng Mimi had avoided even the word egg.

Others thought it was ridiculous how she had a fear of eggs, but then again, they weren't the ones who had their soul transmigrated to a fiction world!

She stared at her reflection and a mischievous smile began forming on her face. Who cared about that world? It was all probably part of her imagination and now that she looked this beautiful, her parent's wish of wanting to marry her off wasn't far!

As Zheng Mimi admired her reflection, a sudden figure appeared and Yu Zhenzhen screamed.

Is this the infamous Bloody Mary? But Zheng Mimi wasn't attempting to summon her nor was it midnight!

Zheng Mimi tried to head towards the door but she heard a voice softly call out to her.

She gulped and turned her attention to a face that was being shown in the mirror.

She gasped once realizing who it was.

The figure in the mirror motioned for her to come closer and Zheng Mimi did, but still maintained her distance.

"Yu Zhenzhen..." Zheng Mimi said as she stared at the gorgeous girl in the mirror.

"Zheng Mimi," Yu Zhenzhen softly whispered.

An awkward silence followed so Zheng Mimi blurted, "Lovely weather we're having." Thunder roared at that exact moment making both girls flinch and Zheng Mimi to smile embarrassedly.

"Zheng Mimi... it is good to know the name of the girl who is taking my revenge."

Zheng Mimi snapped back into attention and stared at the original Yu Zhenzhen in shock. "Excuse me, what?"

"You heard me. You are taking my revenge."

Zheng Mimi gave her a dubious look, "Look little lady, I never agreed on being your sidekick nor did I agree on occupying your body. That was just a one time deal."

Yu Zhenzhen shook her head and Zheng Mimi couldn't help but marvel on how her black hair fell into place.

"Zheng Mimi, the moment you ate that egg, you agreed."

"Excuse me, nobody told me eating a stupid egg was a contract to avenge a bloodthirsty princess."

Yu Zhenzhen snorted, "Who thinks it's logical to eat a random egg that appears out of nowhere?"

Zheng Mimi was speechless. She stared at her stomach and cursed it for always causing her to be hungry at the most unexpected times. She sighed, "Look princess, I know you think I can do the whole revenge thing, but let me tell you, Nangong Longwei hates me as I hate him. Seriously, what did you ever see in him other than his looks? Ever heard of personality because he sure lacks one!"

Tears started to roll down Yu Zhenzhen's cheeks as she began to sob. "You're right. My love for him was always taken for granted. I was only a mere teenager who was spoiled and thought highly of myself. Seeing him smile at someone other than me, seeing the cold man finally smile because of someone, I guess I just snapped. But now I realize my mistake... I hate him and Qing Xiaolin with a passion."

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