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Instead of going to eat, Chaeyeon is resting at the Broadcasting Club in break time. She is staring at the chocolate that Daniel gave her a week ago.

"Naeun unnie is beautiful and kind. Why it has to be Daniel?" She buries her face on her palms.

"Argh!" Chaeyeon throws the chocolate on the floor. That is when Jinyoung and Hara come into the room.

"Yah!" Jinyoung runs and picks up the chocolate. "Why did you throw this away? Do you know how hard Daniel hyung worked to make this?"

Hara and Chaeyeon stun. "What are you saying?" Hara says. "This chocolate," Jinyoung holds it up. "Daniel hyung try to make chocolate but it became a mess. This is the only thing succeed."

"But, that heart shaped chocolate--"

"He bought that. He gave Naeun noona a chocolate that he bought and gave you a chocolate that he made." Jinyoung explains.

Hara smiles sheepishly, "Wow you are lucky."

"What do you mean by lucky? She got the small one." Jinyoung says.

"It may be small but Daniel put efforts and all of his heart to make the chocolate. The feeling you got between the chocolate that someone made or someone bought... is different."


(February 2018)


I roll my eyes. He is still the same.

By the way, I still don't confess to him. Our relationship stays the same for a year. It hurts my heart but still.. I couldn't betray someone who is as precious as Naeun unnie.

Suddenly, Naeun unnie comes.

"Chaeyeon." She hugs me. "Congrats unnie." I say. Daniel pouts, "how about me?"

"Congrats too, bunny teeth." I laugh.

"Congrats Daniel. By the way, my boyfriend is waiting. Bye, guys."

"What? You two--"

"You don't know?" Daniel furrows his eyebrows.

"We broke up two months ago." Naeun unnie continues. My jaw drops. How did I don't know that?!

Naeun unnie leaves.

I clench my fist. Valentine's Day is tomorrow.

"Here," I hand him a chocolate that I made last night.

"But valentine is tomorrow."

"I know. I prepared it beforehand because I don't want to ruin your valentine with Naeun unnie." I take a breath before continuing,

"Daniel. That chocolate.. I made it with my efforts. I poured all of my heart into it. The same goes to those salty chocolates last year. I thought I won't say those 3 words to you so I planned to just give you chocolate every year.

It's clear now, right?

I like you. I've liked you since then. And I'm planning to always do."

Daniel smirks and unwraps the chocolate.

"Are you sure this is made with sugar instead of salt like last year?"

"Yes. If you don't trust me, then I'll eat it first," Chaeyeon takes the chocolate from Daniel's hand and bites it.

Suddenly, Daniel approaches her and bites the end of the chocolate. Her eyes widen.

He keeps biting it until their lips are just inches apart. She bites it again and their lips meet.

"You are right," he smiles "it's sweet."

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