My story

14 1 1

(Y/n) POV:
I moved because too much stuff was happening at my old school that I just couldn't put up with all the pain so I decided to move in with my dad he got a new girlfriend and she has three kids one moved with her boyfriend and two is staying with her a boy and girl the boy's name is Rylan he is one year younger then me he is 13 years old he is very tall and the girl is Lexi she is 16 and I guess they're my siblings now? But I don't consider them to be my siblings I have four siblings two sisters and two brothers I'm the youngest I'm 14 my brother Jake is 16, my sister Jane is 19, my brother August is 24, and my sister Leah is 26. As I meet them I introduce myself "hey, my name is (y/n), I'm 14 and I'm transgender" they didn't really care I didn't mind so my dad showed me my room I unpacked my stuff my bed is already made by my stepmom named Bella I got settled in then my dad said that I need to start school I tried to convince him that I don't want to but he can't be convinced i guess Maryland is where I live now

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2018 ⏰

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