How Would You Feel?

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Jama_Lama_DingDong  this book is dedicated to you! I apologize for it being so late, as I was working hard on it. Video has song that makes my heart flutter and it's just nice to listen to while reading.

Seven had always been comfortable around Jaehee, no complaints had ever been uttered about either of them but praises were never present either. Either way, he loved being around her. She never bothered him and was adaptable to her surroundings, meaning she wouldn't bother him if he got really moody so what was the harm in working together for CEO-in-line? Absolutely nothing!

She was easy to talk to and, if he were stressed, she'd try to get him a little stress reliever, as she usual did Jumin. She and him could have a logical conversation with each other but with fun conversations, it was a little different since she wasn't as much of a jokester. Nevertheless, he loved being able to work by her side. She was able to know when he needed space, when he wanted attention, when he wanted to talk and when he wanted to focus.

It was nice having her company. He usually never worked with others and having Jaehee by his side while he worked without her distracting him was fantastic. She even tried to find other solutions for him to deal with stress instead of biting his nails. She was a literal angel in his eyes whenever she showed such care. She took care of him like nobody had for a long time. She was like his Mary Vanderwood but with less complaints about mess, since there was rarely any in the HQ.


Jaehee started to get just as comfortable as time went on and become just as fond of him as he was of her. If she had the choice, she'd get closer to him unconsciously, just like he would. Sometimes they wouldn't notice and someone would have to say something. Most likely Jumin would since he doesn't like his assistant being so close to someone else. If that didn't happen, they'd spend the whole day like that, Seven hacking against the hacker Ray while Jaehee helped with whatever she was able to on her own computer. Sometimes, she'd even look on his screen and try to catch something he didn't see.

He liked to call her his "hacking wife".

The 'joke' eventually turned into his real thought process. He even started considering, if she applied herself more, she could make it in the agency. With that came thoughts of her being his partner. This is when he started noticing everything about her. This is when every move she made striked a match inside of him and set every part aflame.

This is when his feelings grew. This is when he realized their closeness was not a game.

When he knew to keep himself separate.


Each time that Seven caught slight warmth from her body when she was close to him or was able to pay attention to her breathing, he nearly had a heart attack. He knew that he was touch starved but having someone like her just touching his arm was enough to make his face heat up, making him pray a growing blush away. He wanted Jaehee to hug him or maybe touch him a little more than usual. A little more firm than her usual gentle touches. Everyday he'd want just a little more of something. Everything. He never got enough, whatever it was. Everyday was something he needed more.

He needed that high of his heart speeding. Of heat spreading everywhere. Of those little flutters he tries to swallow.

Jaehee's hugs would probably be tight but not as tight as Yoosung's. More of a hug that says 'I trust you and don't really want to let you go but you can let go whenever you please'. He'd think she was warm. That she radiated heat, judging by how warm she is when she's close to him. She'd probably not let go for a while, considering the only man she spends her time with really is Jumin. Has anyone hugged her recently? Has Jumin ever hugged her? He'd rather not think about it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2018 ⏰

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