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(Inspired by Blow by Theory of a Deadman. Which is where the song starts by a direct take of lyrics)

"Its sad to see a 12 year old

Acting like a little hoe

Taking naked pictures While she's living in her parents home

Post em up on twitter

It'd make you reconsider

Every time you go online to find a babysitter!"

-Theory of a Deadman

Ok everyone

Lets have a little talk

Not just a little hum

Maybe a nice little walk

Around the world

Look at all the problems

It makes me want to hurl

Kiddies acting like hoodlums

Thinking that smoking all the pot

Is really cool

But its really not

Now look who's a little fool

All girls are moaning

Wanting a "daddy"

Now I am groaning

Cuz I hurled my patty

Yall make me sick

Thinking you're a piece of art

Suckin a dick

Your not really smart.

Now we come back to our little home

Away from all the devils

They're all alone

Branding their sins on the anvils

So here's some advice

Don't end up like the other guys.

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