New Home and Ready For Training (Chapter 1)

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(5 Hours Later)

Naruto breathed deeply as he returned back to cutting a rock with wind chakra while walking up a tree. Jiraiya had told Naruto that his affinity was wind while tree walking was a great chakra exercise so he decide to combine both exercises. He had finished his physical exercises and had started chakra control for 2 hours. Suddenly, Naruto saw as Jiraiya appeared with a gentle smile. Naruto quickly stopped as he ran toward Jiraiya. "Jiraiya, your back." Naruto said as he hugged him. "Happy birthday Naruto." Jiraiya said as Naruto smiled brightly. "I got you some new clothes and a notebook with information for seals." Jiraiya said as Naruto gratefully accepted them. "Thanks Jiraiya. I can't wait to use them." Naruto said as he looked at the clothes and through the first pages of the notebook. "Naruto, I need you to be strong, okay." Jiraiya said grimly as Naruto looked confused. "What's going on?" Naruto asked in a low voice as Jiraiya sighed. "Naruto, your sister is now the heir of the Namikaze and Uzumaki clan." Jiraiya said as Naruto's eyes widen with tears on his eyes. "What?" Naruto said as he looked down. "They.....disowned me." Naruto said as he hugged Jiraiya for support who gladly hugged back. "Jiraiya, I don't want to go back." Naruto said while crying. Jiraiya thought about it. He knew Naruto would not be able to support living with his family. He could not take Naruto with him since he went on dangerous mission. "Naruto, do you want to move out?" Jiraiya asked as Naruto nodded. "How about this, I'll buy a small compound for the two of us. When I'm out on missions you could train and cook. When I'm there, we can do some fun activities." Jiraiya said as Naruto nodded excitedly. "Ok, for tonight, we will stay in a hotel. Tomorrow we get a new house." Jiraiya said as Naruto happily nodded and fell asleep after the emotional day. Jiraiya sighed and smiled as he carried Naruto to the hotel. 

(Next Day-Jiraiya)

Jiraiya entered Minato's office as he tried to not get mad after his students action. "Minato, I was wondering if I could buy a compound, not to big or small." Jiraiya said as Minato smiled. "Sure. There is currently one up for sale. It's price is reasonable. Here." Minato said as he showed the documents. Jiraiya quickly inspected it and found that it was perfect. A compound with 8 rooms, 4 bathrooms, a living room, a kitchen, a dining room, and a raining ground with a pond. "This is perfect Minato. Here is the money." Jiraiya said as he retrieved the money and gave it to Minato. "Great, here are the keys." Minato said as Jiraiya nodded and left with keys, ready to retrieve Naruto. 


Naruto slowly woke up in a bedroom as he looked around. He saw his backpack on a desk he did not recognize along with a closet he never saw. "Morning Naruto." Jiraiya said as he leaned on the doorway. "Jiraiya, where are we?" Naruto asked as he looked around. "This is your new house, our new house." Jiraiya said as Naruto looked wide eyed before smiling. "Come on. Let's get breakfast and then train." Jiraiya said as Naruto quickly stood up and ran past Jiraiya who chuckled.


Naruto went through some taijutsu katas as Jiraiya blocked and gave slow punches for naruto to predict, block, or dodge. "Come on Naruto, faster." Jiraiya said as Naruto growled and started giving faster punches. "Ok Naruto, stop. You might need a new style. I will look one for you. Meanwhile, I want to teach you a new jutsu. I know that regular clones are too hard for you so I want you to try something. Do the ram sign and acuumalate chakra. Shadow clone." Jiraiya said as another Jiraiya appeared. Naruto nodded excitedly and quickly did the ram sign. "Shadow Clone Jutsu" Naruto said as 15 clones appeared. Jiraiya looked shocked as he saw Naruto didn't even look slightly tired. "Well, you can now speed up training. These clones allow you to learn anything they do. You can make them read, study, train katas to memorize, and improve chakra control. However, actual muscle memory has to be done by you."  Jiraiya said as Naruto nodded. "I can't wait." Naruto said as he sent 7 clones to train in chakra control, 5 to look for a new taijutsu style, and 3 to learn seals. Jiraiya smiled as he could not wait how strong Naruto would become. 


Kushina quickly prepared breakfast as she wanted to start training her daughter. Before she continued, she noticed a fourth seat on the table. before she could continue her thoughts, Minato and Naruko came barging in, forgetting any information she would start to process. "Mom, what's for breakfast?" Naruko asked while Kushina smiled, oblivious to the missing family member they would not remember till some years. 

(Jiraiya's Compound)

Naruto and Jiraiya had experimented how many clones Naruto could make. Naruto had created 50 clones before getting tired and was now resting as the clones worked. "Well Naruto. This will be some hard years. You will have to strengthen your body until you can take some of my hits. You will need to learn a lot of chakra control so that you can complete you taijutsu style as well as for your jutsu. Genjutsu will be the trickiest because of you large reserves. Seals will take long due to the many kanjis and combinations you will need to learn. Any other weapons you get will have to be learned and combined with your taijutsu style. Finally, you will need to learn strategies and predicting opponents. Are you ready?" Jiraiya asked as Naruto smirked and nodded. "Believe it." Naruto said before being stopped by Jiraiya. "First, however, I need to know why you want to learn to fight." Jiraiya asked as Naruto stayed silent as he thought. He had no friends and only had Jiraiya. However, he knew that some people were just in grief and need help much like him. "I want to train so that I can protect those precious for me and if I can't find any person to be precious, I will protect everyone." Naruto said seriously as his eyes became like steel, cold and hard. Jiraiya smiled as he nodded. 'He inherited the will of fire.' "Great, let's get started." Jiraiya said as Naruto stood up and followed Jiraiya. 

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