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*First part of your favorite song ringtone*
You got up and looked at the clock and jumped down from your bed.(Like a boss, sorry, moving on) Your tiny feet hitting the floor as you neared a honey brown door, and pushed it open as it was slightly ajare, and walked in and onto a red fluffy carpet and proceeded to jump up and down on the bed, a figure laughed as it pulled itself out of the covers, your mom, everyone said you look just like her. She pulled you on her lap as she yawned, "What time is it pumpkin?"
You frowned and crossed your arms, "Its time for me to go to school momma." Your mom than, being the funny person she was said something weird, "Good Gravy on a piece of roast let's get going Thanksgiving."

_Timeskip because I am a lazy author_

You sighed as you walked around the classroom know one was talking to yo-, "H-Hell-o t-here mi-ss." You gasped as you looked behind you to see a brown haired boy, he was,twitching slightly, weird. "Hi, I'm (Y,N)!" The boy smiled as he stopped twitching, "Hello my name is Tex, wanna play with me and my friends?" You nodded and followed him to a group of kids playing with playdoh
"H-Hey g-guy-s i-I m-ad-e a n-new fr-ien-d." The kids looked at you the one who stood out most was a young girl with brown hair and light blue eyes, pale skin that looked soft to the touch. She was really pretty. "Hi I'm (Y,N)."
The girl nodded as she talked, "Sup, my names Jackie, this is Annie" She said as she pointed to a girl laughing like a mad mad, she had black and white hair, and pale gray eyes, "My cousin Levi" She then pointed to another boy who had brown hair and eyes, "And that, is Micro" she said pointed to a blond haired boy with blue eyes, he smiled,"Hello (Y,N)!"
You giggled playfully as you than talked, "Hi Link." The whole area was filled with your laughter and you smiled as you saw him puff his cheeks out. Maybe, you thought, i will like it here .

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2018 ⏰

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