Chapter 1

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   Schools of fish floated around the colorful reef, circling corals, darting through tunnels and emerging from the other side. Crabs sidled under outcroppings and into crevices.
   The gentle current was suddenly disrupted as a form headed for the rocks. It stopped just in front of a large formation.
   "Illia! Come on! I've been waiting for you all morning. If I don't-"
   Without warning a shadow leapt out from behind and tackled the unsuspecting victim. The force sent them both spiraling apart in the water. Illia righted herself, laughing. "Rune, your face!"
   He looked at her grumpily. "Illia! What was that for? You know your father sent me here to find you? I was hoping to spend some time with you before you met him."
   "Rune," she said, her expression fell, her tone both sad and contrite, "I'm sorry. I meant to- I just- Tomorrow is-"
   Rune's face broke into a smile. "You think I'm upset? I thought you knew me better than that!" He placed a hand over his heart, "You wound me," he said dramatically.
   "I know you're worried about tomorrow." He looked into her striking emerald eyes. "But don't. Honestly, I'm excited."
   "Of course you are! You hatched with your marks. You've had 19 years to look at them!"
   He put his hand on her arm gently. "You know," he cleared his throat before saying sincerely, "I'll be there, with you tomorrow. The whole day...and evening of you need me."
   Illia looked at her best friend. She took in his pale grayish skin, dark blue gray eyes, his white hair gently flowing now with the wave of the current. His indigo tail slightly curled behind him, large oval scales faintly glinting in the filtered sun's rays, the slightly frilled ends of his tail fanned out gracefully waving behind him.
   She smiled a little. "Thank you, Rune." She said softly. He smiled warmly at her.
   "We'd best not keep your father waiting."
   Illia nodded, then turned toward Niat-Liarre, gracefully flicking her shimmering tail to propel her through the clear water. She really wasn't in a hurry. She would say it was just like her father to set the gathering on her birthday, but it truly wasn't his fault. The gathering happened on the same date every year. It just so happened that this year was her 18th birthday. The day she would get her markings and be matched. She shuddered. Her father had been trying to prepare her for this day as long as she could remember. It was her duty. She wasn't just any mermaid. She must set a standard. Always.
   People are always watching you. Even when you don't think they are. They just see you and be comforted, reassured, not terrified of their future, horrified at your choices. You represent the people, not yourself.
   Her fathers words played over in her mind. She dreaded this. What if she wasn't good enough? Would they even follow her? She shook her head. Of course they would follow her. They had no other choice. But choice, even if she had none, she still wanted that for others.
   Rune stayed right by her side, keeping her pace. He'd always been by her side. Her father always had something positive to say about him. She could tell that her father approved of Rune, and might even go as far to say that he hoped they would match. But that wasn't up to her. That wasn't up to anyone.
   Every merman was born with specific markings. They indicated status and class and all were unique. When a female was of age, she went to the gathering, a ball of sorts. There she would be with all of the unmatched males. There would be a look, a touch, and the markings would show on her. His markings. A perfect match.
   There was no escaping it, not that anyone had ever tried. It was seen as such a joyous affair. No female ever remained unmatched by the end of the gathering. The couples would announce their match at the end.
   Illia looked at Rune then. He was looking at her with concern. They had reached the city, and she has been so caught up in her thoughts that she hadn't noticed. Rune held her gaze. By this time tomorrow she could be matched to Rune. To her best friend or someone else. There's no guarantee she would be Rune's or that he would be hers.
   "Illia." Rune broke into her thoughts. "I-"
   "Your highness, the King requests your presence immediately." A messenger appeared, cutting off anything Rune was going to say.
   Illia nodded once to the stoic merman and he swam off as quickly as he came. She turned back to Rune. "See you tomorrow." Rune said quickly before leaving. Confused, Illia headed to her father's great hall.

   "Illia!" Her father's thunderous voice echoed through the chamber. What remained of the council scattered when they say the princess enter. No doubt the council didn't want to be a part of the talk about the gathering. Illia drew near to the well-worn stone that served as her father's throne. A smaller rock sat off to the right. Her throne. She'd only sat on it once. Her father had been playing with her when she was small.
   She'd been hiding behind his throne, giggling quietly to herself as he passed by looking for her. She thought she was so clever, and he hadn't found her. Suddenly, she was plucked from her hiding place, and tickled mercilessly until she squealed with laughter, his hearty laugh joining hers. He set her down on the smaller stone. "This is yours, little one. Soon you'll sit with me and help me." He smiled at her, his golden eyes glowing with warmth.
   "I help! I help!" She shouted excitedly, swimming up to his eye level, smiling at him.
   "Illia," her father began slowly. "You're birthday is tomorrow."
   "And the gathering is also tomorrow."
   "Ah, well..."
   Illia would have smiled at her father if the subject had been something else. She'd never seen him like this, floundering for words. She found it both comforting and worrisome because he was clearly as affected by the event as she was. Worrisome because she'd never seen him like this. She was always so jovial, warm and quick with advice. He was always so comforting. Seeing him like this was unsettling. "How are you feeling?" He finally asked.
   Illia thought for a long minute, finally focusing on what she'd been trying to avoid.
   "Dad," she said softly, "I'm going to be 18. I can finally go out and be by myself and see things that I've wanted to see. And I lose that in the same day."
   King Zorhan frowned looking at his daughter. He studied her. When had she gotten so independent? He remembered how he felt the same when he was younger. He always wanted to be away, finding something new, and sometimes just away. He finally sighed.
   "Maybe there's a way you still can. Perhaps after the gathering we can see if Rune - or whoever your mate is-" he quickly corrected himself, "would be willing to wait before the ceremony. Perhaps you can explore together."
   Illia smiled sadly. "Or my match could be Aris, or someone like him." She shuddered, imagining the copper-haired merman. He was only 20 years old and already wore a perpetual frown. She stayed far away from him and his negativity. It was no secret he was handsome, but that was all. His 'traditional' ideas were that the mermaid should be the sole caretaker of any merchildren, and there would be merchildren- because he was perfect and had no blemish- all of them boys that he could proudly call his. His cove would always be well kept and food would be present whenever he wanted it. She wouldn't speak unless spoken to. On and on the list went. No match like that would suit her. She couldn't see herself forced into some shell of who she was meant to be. Matches were equal partnerships, not a total dictatorship of one another.
   Zorhan grimaced but quickly tried to hide it as he said hesitantly, "He would be a good mate for you. You'd always be protected. You know he's fierce-"
   "He cannot rule with me, father. There is no balance to that merman. Could you see if he were to see petitions with me?" Illia felt her voice raise fractionally. She needed to calm herself. She knew her father was only trying to help calm her nerves, but this was becoming too much for her. Ultimately, through all her dreams and fantasies she's was destined to be a ruler, to put her people above herself, and that was not a good match for either her people or her.
   Zorhan lowered his gaze for a moment before raising his intimidating golden eyes, holding her gaze. "Are you prepared for tomorrow?"
   Illia nodded. "As much as I can be."

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