chapter 6

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Colby POV

We got to the hotel and Sam and I walked with the girls back up to their hotel room. I couldn't stand not knowing if she was mad or not.

"Kenz can I..uh...can I talk to you?" I asked nervously

She nodded. We walked into her room, I asked Sam and Hannah if we could talk in private so they went down to the hotel pool. I sat with Kenzie on the bed.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have put my had on yours I just can't help myself. Your so beautiful and I just get lost in your eyes. I like you a lot, I know I fucked up im sorry please don't hate me. I don't want to lose you even if we are just friends. Please forgive me?" I said it all in a rush.

She just sat their and stared into my eyes. After a few seconds of staring she kissed me. I kissed her back. I couldn't believe this, the girl I like is kissing me and she kissed me first. We pulled apart.

"I like you a lot too." She said smiling

I smiled at her, just looking into her eyes. I love this girl and I won't ever stop.

"Kenzie, will you go out with me?" I asked

"Go out where?" She asked

I frowned feeling confused. Does she not actually like me?

"I'm kidding. Yes I will be your girlfriend." She said kissing my cheek

"Yay." I said kissing her

I've never been so happy..


Hannah and I were down at the hotel pool while Colby was talking to Kenzie. I hope he's finally telling her he likes her. That was all he was talking about ever since we met them. All I need to do now is tell Hannah that I like her. But what if she likes someone else, or worse, she already had a boyfriend? I see her shiver so I give her my jacket.

"Here." I say wrapping my jacket around her arms

"Thanks." She said smiling at me

I smilies back. I looked at her lips. Thinking about how bad I wanted to kiss her right now. Just go for it. Be brave. I told myself. I looked at Hannah again.

"Hannah?" I asked

"What." She replied

Then I just went for it. I kissed her. She kissed me back, on of her hands on the back of my head, the other on my shoulder. I put one hand on her cheek and the other on her waist. We pulled apart.

"What was that for?" She asked blushing

"Hannah I really like you. I have for a while. Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked

"What took you so long to ask? Of course I'll be your girlfriend." She said

Wow. That actually just happened. I have a girlfriend and may I say, she is gorgeous.

Colby texted me and said we could come back up. I told Hannah and we went back upstairs. We walked in the hotel room and Colby immediately pulled me back out into the hallway.

"Dude what's wrong?" I asked

"I told her." Colby said

"You did?" I said smiling

He nodded his head. "I also asked her to be my girlfriend and she kissed me and said yes!" He said smiling like a child that just got candy

"Wow thats word man." I said

"What?" Colby asked confused

"I asked Hannah out and she said yes too!" I told him

"Wow. We got girlfriends on the same night. No wonder we are best friends." Colby said laughing

We went back into the room. I could tell that Hannah and Kenzie told eachother the news. They both got up, Kenz came over to me and Hannah went over and stood on front of Colby.

"If you hurt her I will hurt you and treat me when I say you DONT want to see me mad, especially if im mad because someone hurt me best friend." They said together

Colby and I looked at eachother then back at the girls.

"I promise I wont hurt her." We also said together

Hannah came back over to me and Kenz went over to Colby. This has most definitely been the best night ever.

Yayyyy something finally happened between Hannah and Sam. (happy now?) are you guys happy that Sam and Colby asked out Hannah and Kenzie?...ok so im adding more characters in to this book in the next chapter or so and if you wanna be a character let me know. Tell me what you want your name to be, tell me if you want to be a fan of them or just someone they meet, and ill add a few people in to the next chapter or so. Thanks! ilyasm Byeeeee

Sam Golbach and Colby Brock fanfic [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now