-A for After

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* 2 years after -A has been captured and charged *

"Hey! Han! Over here!" Spencer waved her arms up in the air smiling, Hanna walked over and hugged Spencer tightly. "It feels like forever" said Hanna still hugging Spencer, she let go and held one hand on each of Spencer's shoulders to take a good look at her. Then they both sat down in their seats at their favourite cafe The Brew. "So have you been?!" Hanna asked Spencer, "Really good. Great actually." Someone came over to take their orders. "Um can I have a mixed berry muffin?" Hanna requested, "Oh um I'll have a coffee on soy please." Spencer handed over the menus to the waiter and smiled. "Sooo!" Spencer smiled cheekily, "Calebs coming back tonight right!!" She could sense her friends excitement at just hearing Calebs name. "Yes he does. You know I never thought we'd survive being so far apart from eachother for 5 months! But I had to go to Paris for the Vera Wang fashion course and he had to go to California to see his mum. I guess at least we were both busy." Spencer just sat and listened to Hanna going on and on and on. In the back of her mind though she had a secret that she couldn't tell anyone just yet. "Sorry I'm going on and on aren't I?" giggled Hanna. "Hahaha it's okay.. it's a story I don't mind listening to." "Coffee on soy?," Spencer nodded. "There you go" the waiter placed down the coffee and Hanna's muffin. "Thanks!" called Hanna while the waiter was walking away. "Anything new with you and Toby?" "Well we moved in together while you were away.." "In Toby's loft!?" Hanna looked up with a surprised smile and Spencer nodded. "Spenceee!" laughed Hanna as she punched Spencer's arm lovingly. "I know! We're going really well."

The girls chatted and before they knew it 2 hours had passed. "Holy moly! It's 2:30, Caleb will be back in a couple of hours. I better go get everything ready." said Hanna. "Okay well we'll catch up again soon!" Spencer stood up and they hugged goodbye. Hanna walked back to her car but Spencer had something secret to do.

She felt sick to her stomach! Spencer walked around the block to her local doctors surgery, she stood outside for a minute and just looked, she didn't want to go in there but she had to. She sat there for about 20 minutes and then a nurse came into the waiting room "Spencer Hastings?" Spencer stood up and followed the nurse into the little doctors room, "A doctor will be with you soon." Sure enough within a few minutes a doctor was there. "Hello Ms Hastings, what can we do for you today?"
"Um well.. I haven't told anyone yet but I'm.. pregnant." The doctor pouted and nodded. "I'm about 6 weeks along, and I just wanted to make sure that everything seemed normal before I told anyone. My parents aren't going to take it well and my boyfriend.. well I don't know." "Okay, let us check it out all then, hey?"

Everything was normal! Spencer walked back to her car and sat for a minute, looking at the sheet of paper that the doctor had given her. "Oh Toby, please don't hate me." There were 3 missed voice messages from him so she rang him back. "I'll be home later. I'm just stopping off at Emily's, love you."

Meanwhile when Hanna arrived back at her house her mum still wasn't home from work. She walked into the kitchen and saw a note saying that her mum wasn't coming home and was going to have to work all through the night. That meant that her and Caleb were going to have the house to themselves for the whole night. Hanna ran upstairs to re-apply her makeup and do her hair, beachy curls just how Caleb liked it. She put some perfume he had brought her just before he left on her neck and wrists. She sat down on the bed and smelt her wrists. As she smelt them she closed her eyes and remembered the last time they saw eachother, their last kiss. And the fact that they were about to finally be able to see eachother again!

Hanna walked back downstairs and then so enough there was a knock at the front door, she looked up at the clock to check the time. It was 5:00, that would be Caleb at the door! "Coming!" Hanna could feel her face beaming with a smile. She ran over to the door and opened it, "CALEB!" she leaped into his arms and wrapped her legs around him. He held her tightly and kissed her neck "God I love you!" his smooth voice made Hanna feel finally at home. He put her back down and picked up his bag in one hand while gripping around her waist in the other, she put her hand over the top of his and they walked into the kitchen. "I've missed you sooo much!" Hanna kissed him again, "you too princess." "Look! I cooked dinner!" she stood on the other side of the bench proudly pointing to the food she had prepared. Chicken schnitzel and veggies. "WOW! What else did you learn at fashion school?!" Caleb replied with a chuckle.

After they ate dinner they went upstairs and sat down on Hanna's bed. It sounded bad but after over 5 moths of no action, Hanna was kinda looking forward to it. Caleb was too but he didn't want to say that, he didn't want her to feel pressured or like that was all he cared about. They lied down next to eachother and started kissing eachother. Suddenly it turned into something more, Hanna sat on top of Caleb (who was still lying down) in a straddle position and started unbuttoning his shirt. About halfway down he grabbed her hands and stopped her "Are you sure.. I don't want you to feel like you have to or anything?" He was sooo sweet. Hanna knew how lucky she was to have a guy like Caleb "I want to!" They kissed again and she continued unbuttoning his shirt. She tore it off him and touched his bare chest, "have you been working out?!" she threw him a suspicious look. He just winked and rolled over so he was lying down next to her, she took off her singlet top and bra and moved closer into him...

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