Trouble In Paradise

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Today was the day. Spencer and Toby could finally find out the sex of their baby! Toby had been so excited all week, but Spencer was a little scared. Today was also the day they had to tell her parents and she wasn't looking forward to that at all. Mr and Mrs Hastings had been in New York for 2 months and Spencer really wanted to just get it over and done with and tell them on the phone but Toby wouldn't allow it. He said it would seem impersonal and careless. He was probably right..

"Ugh! Nothing fits me!" Spencer grumbled collapsing to the ground in a bundle of frustration. "Spencer, we just went and brought you maternity clothes yesterday. Put those on!" She lied on her back on the floor and put a pillow on her face. "What else is bothering you? Is it your parents?" "Yes Toby! Yes I'm a little up tight about telling them that I'm pregnant!" "Spence! It'll be fine. You're thinking about this way too much." He grabbed her hands and pulled her up off the floor. "Trust me." He gave her a little kiss and walked out of the room.

When they arrived, they went in and signed their names and sat down anxiously waiting for their turn. A doctor walked out of the corridor into the waiting room.. "Spencer Hastings?". Spencer stood up and grabbed Toby's hand before walking over and following the doctor into a small white room. The room smelt musty and worn, "Have a seat please." The doctor smiled while waving her hand over at a large dentist-style chair.

A lot of tests and things went on for about 15 minutes then came the moment of truth. "Would you like to know the sex?" Toby and Spencer looked at eachother. "Yes.. please." Toby grabbed Spencer's hand and looked at the little ultrasound screen. "It's a girl. Congratulations. Just get yourselves ready and then you can leave." The doctor smiled at the pair of them.

"A girl! A little girl!" Toby hugged Spencer and gave her a million kisses. "Our little girl.." Spencer giggled and put a hand on her stomach.

Spencer cleaned the gel off of herself and stood up. She started to feel a little dizzy and tightly grabbed Toby and the seat for balance, "Are you okay?" Toby held her up and leaned down so he was face level with her. "Yeah I just stood up a little too fast ahah." Spencer said blinking her eyes roughly a few times.

They went and signed both their names at the front reflection desk and drove to The Brew for lunch. Toby was so excited! He couldn't wait to be a parent! And it wasn't just with anyone, it was with Spencer. He knew their little girl would be just as perfect as her.

Aria was only just waking up at this time. She checked her phone, there were 6 missed calls from Emily and 4 from Alison. Aria thought she should ring Emily and just tell her that she had a late night studying or something. But that was far from the truth! She had actually been out all night partying and drinking, she was so hungover she could barely see and she could smell the alcohol on her own breath!

It was voicemail.. "Hey Em, sorry had a late night studying and only just woke up. Did you need anything?" About 5 minutes later Emily rung her back, "I was just wondering if you wanted to do something? Come over to mine and Ali's in about.. say an hour?" "Ah um yeahhh.. okay.. see you then." Aria hung up flopped her head back down onto her pillow. This was the last thing she felt like doing!

But she still got up, tried to have breakfast. Spewed. Had a shower and got dressed. Spewed. Had some water to stay hydrated. Spewed. And then got into the car and drove to Em and Ali's house. She tried to put as much makeup on as possible to cover up her blotchy skin and reddish-greenish eyes, hopefully Em wouldn't notice any difference in her. She knocked 3 times on the door "Ahh!" Aria had a splitting headache and something as simple as that made her whole brain feel like an inferno of pain. "Oh hey Aria!" Ali answered the door and gave her a hug. "Oh my god. Aria.. did you drink alcohol for breakfast or something?! You stink!" "Just.." Before she could finish Emily showed up at the door too.

They exchanged welcomes and went and sat in the lounge room. Emily went to make hot chocolates and Ali went up to their bedroom, leaving Aria alone. She quickly got out some perfume from her bag and sprayed it in her hair, all over her clothes, her shoes.. everywhere! Emily came back with 2 hot chocolates and handed Arias hers. "Thanks." Said Aria quickly placing the cup down before she could vomit in it. "Studying? Really Aria?! What is up with you? Did you really think I was that stupid.." Emily stood up and started to get really mad.

"I wasn't trying to trick you Em!" Aria started to get mad now, Emily couldn't judge her! Ali walked into the lounge room hearing all the commotion. "Look I've got a lot going on! You don't understand.. nobody understands me! Lay off it!" She stormed out and slammed the front door behind her.

Later that night when Toby and Spencer were both sound asleep, Spencer woke to a shooting and burning pain in her stomach. "AHH! OWWW!" She cried clutching her stomach. "SPENCER?!" Toby shot up straight and put his hand on Spencer's shoulders. "Toby I.. I thi.. think something's wr.. wrong..." She was still crying in pain. "We'll go to the hospital!" Toby said terrified picking Spencer up like a groom would his bride, grabbed her dressing gown and ran out to the car. Spencer still crying in his arms and grabbing him tightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2014 ⏰

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