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Moons P.O.V.

"I-i-i'm blind" I said in a small voice. I heard Qibli sigh "Moon I'm sorry but there's nothing we can do about it." Was that Clay? "Clay?" I asked "Yes I'm here too" he said. "How-what happened?" I asked "Moon remember how my Grandfather came?" He asked "Yea" "He, well kinda attacked you and stabbed you in the face." "With what?" "His tail." "Oh. So what happens now?" I asked "Well, I have no idea..." Clay said "Well that's encouraging." Qibli stated. "Hey! Like I said before there's nothing we can do about her blindness. So I honestly don't know what to do." "WHO IS BLIND KNOW!!!!!!?????!!!" I looked at the direction the voice came from "Queen Glory? Is that you?" I said.

Queen Glorys P.O.V.

"Moon? What are you doing in the infirmary?" "Didn't Sunny tell you?" Clay said. "Well she said that someone was hurt but she didn't say who." I said. He motioned me over. And I looked and gasped Moons eyes were glazed over. Like they had a thin sheet of snow over them. "Hello?" Moon said. I took one of her talons "Its ok Moon I'm here. And so is Qibli, Kinkajou, Turtle, Clay, Sunny, Starflight and Fatespeaker" "They are? Where?" She said "They're around the bed your on."

Moons P.O.V.

I heard all my friends say hi and I felt even worse knowing I couldn't see them. Someone took my talons "Hello?" I asked "It's me Kinkajou." I smiled sadly "Hi Kink." "Moon I'm sorry I should've stopped him." I was confused "What are you talking about?" "Moon me, Turtle and well we were all there when he attacked you, we heard you roar." "You were?" I asked. "Well, yes when we heard you roar we all came to see what happened." Suddenly I noticed something. "Queen Glory?" I asked looking around, even though I couldn't see. "I'm right here." She said placing a talon on my shoulder. "Did you need something? Food? Water?" "Well no, you mentioned all my friends except Tsunami. Where is she? And if Qiblis Grandfather hasn't talked to him in who knows how long how did he know we were to get her so he could attack?" "What?" Clay said "are you accusing Tsunami of helping Vulture attack you?" I looked in the direction of his voice "Well yes. I just don't see any other possible reason that he was able to find me. And attack." "That actually makes sense.  And she isn't even here!" That sounded like Starflight. I thought. "But why would she do it? I don't see any reason for her to hate Moon so much and so suddenly. I mean yea she doesn't really like any nightwings except for the ones she knows but she's never tried to hurt any of them. No, it just doesn't make any sense." "Well actually it does your majesty. Because, I haven't told you something that I've told the others." "And what is that?" "I can read minds and see the Future." "WHAT?!" "Your majesty please let me explain." I said in a hurry. "Ok. Explain" "I was born under two full moons and if a nightwing is hatched under one moon he/she is given either the ability to read minds or see the future. If hatched under two then they get both powers and under three its really rare but they get both powers and there even stronger." "So if Starflight was hatched in the moonlight he would've been pretty much a mini Darkstalker?" "Pretty much." "Wow." "Oh! And I did have a prophecy about JMA falling but me and my friends stopped it from happening." "How?" "We defeated Darkstalker." "Oh right."  "So that's why I think that Tsunami would hate me. She HATES prophecys." "True. So your probably right. She would hate anyone who has those powers and have a prophecys."

A/N What will they do!? Stay tuned to find out!

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