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V sits there thinking. He didn't know what to do. Inside him he felt anger and hatred but he also felt sadness and love for you. He checks his phone constantly. It had been months since you had died and even though his tears had stopped, he still felt dead inside. He felt guilt that he didn't see the signs that you were unhappy but anger that you had no choice to leave him like that. Jungkook sat beside him and stayed silent. He didn't know what to say or do. V had been constantly distant from him and it felt crushing. He was distracted and missed all the good things that you did together but it meant that he didn't want to talk to anybody. "What am I doing?" V said as he checks his phone again. "I keep thinking she's going to call me. But she doesn't." Jungkook doesn't say anything. Instead he sits and listen. "But no matter what it won't change anything. She's gone." Jungkook looked over at him and sighed. "She's in your heart. As long as you never forget her she will never be gone." V remembered the day you died perfectly. It still haunted his dreams...

Four Months ago

"Haiiiii y/n!" V smiled happily on the screen as you walked towards your classes. You were 9 hours behind him so where it was 16:00 here, it was 1:00 there in Korea. "Shouldn't you be asleep Taehyung? It's late for you..." he smiled goofily and shook his head. "No it's okay. I like to talk to you." You smiled as he spoke English. He wasn't all that good but he sure did try. "Hm okay. I'm actually on my way to class... no wait. Class is cancelled. I can go home now." He claps happily. "That's good." You frown as you notice that V isn't in his normal apartment. "Where are you exactly?" He gets up and takes off his dressing gown revealing normal clothes. "I'm going outside." You frown. "V you need to sleeeep!" But he ignores you and goes outside. You roll your eyes and notice how the sky has got quite a dusty red glow like the one above you. You find it hilarious and point it out to V. "I don't know what you're talking about." He jokes. You continue to talk and walk as you catch up, telling him all about his day. As you walk through the park you feel a tap on your shoulder. You turn around and open your eyes wide. Standing in front of you is V. "TAEHYUNG!!!!" You hug him as hard as you can and he sways you as you smell his Gucci perfume: the one you got him for Christmas last year. He smiled and waves at you. "How did you GET HERE!?" He shrugs. "By plane. I wanted to come see you." You kiss him and entwine your hands slowly. It's extremely hard to have a long distance relationship. Sometimes you worry that he will fall in love with another girl instead of you back in Korea. One that is much prettier than you and one that can actually speak Korean. "I don't need another girl. You are perfect for me. Plus you can speak French and Spanish. Korean not important." He would say to you. You would shrug and do your best to learn. When they get ready for shows, you sit in the corner trying to teach yourself as much Korean as one can muster and sometimes they come and help you. V walks with you in the park. He films parts of it on his camera that he brought with him so he can look back on this moment forever.

Everyday you and him go for walks and to different places to visit. Suddenly he stops you and takes your hand. He looks down uncomfortably and a frown stretches on your face. "Tae? Are you all right?" Finally he looks up at you and smiles. His eyes have little flecks of light in them which you love and you can't help but feel lost inside them. "I really like you y/n. You're always with me and you've always made me feel so happy. When my grandma died I felt so alone and you were there to bring my spirits up. You don't understand when we talk in Korean but you never stop trying to learn. You do everything you can to make others happy. To make me happy. You're smart and you're beautiful in every single way and I love that about you. Y/n, I love you. Do you feel the same way?" You look into his eyes and kiss him slowly. "To the moon and back and then even after that." As you walk hand in hand, V runs ahead of our trying to make you laugh. Suddenly a bike zooms past and just in time V jumps out of the way onto the road. He laughs and spins around not seeing the car that's heading towards him too fast to slow down. As fast as you can, you run and before the car can hit him, you push him out of the way. V stumbles onto the ground, knocking his head a little as it spins, he tries to make right the image in front of him. But instead it spins incessantly. He can just make out people running to where he was just standing. To a car that has stopped. When everything is perfectly still he walks over eagerly to see what has happened. His eyes open wide as he sees you lying on the ground with your eyes frozen open. Police have gathered all around to try and stop everyone from staring. V staggers over and a policeman stops him from coming forward. As he tries to fight him more people come over and watch. Another policeman comes over to hold him as an ambulance veers around the corner. "That's my girlfriend! Please let me go to her! Let me go! Y/n! Y/n!" You try to shake them off but they don't let go. Eventually he feels a sharp stabbing pain as one of them knocks him out. His whole world spins uncontrollably and darkness falls.

He wakes up surprisingly in your apartment. He sits up and runs his eyes before making out the silhouette of someone. "Y/n?" He calls out unsure if it was a dream or a reality. He hopes it was just a really bad dream. "She's not here." Suga appears out of the darkness. His eyes are hollow and he looks really tired. "Suga?" V calls out uneasy. "What are you doing here?" He looks down and stands up handing you a drink. "What is it?" He asks as he takes it from Suga. "Whisky. I found it in y/n's cabinet. You're gonna need it." V takes it and drinks it quickly. "Where's y/n?" Suga doesn't say anything and V gulps thin air harshly. "What's going on?" Suga sits back down and puts his head in his hands as he figures out a way to tell V this. There is no easy way so he just comes out with it. "At the park, you went into the road. A car was coming and you didn't see it. You were going to get hit and..." V's eyes started to water like he already knew the answer. But suga continues anyway. "She pushed you. Out from in front of the car but... she's not so lucky. She's gone Taehyung. Her funeral was yesterday." V lifts his head sharply. "Yesterday? How long have I been out?" Suga looks over at you tiredly. You knew he of all people really liked you. He was the person who you had first met and V had stolen you away from him. V could see that Suga was suffering silently and it made him even more sad. "A couple of weeks. The policeman hit you on your injury." V lifts his hand to his head and a sharp pain starts to exhilarate all over. But he didn't care. It didn't hurt as much as it hurt that you were gone. Suddenly he sees his camera on the table and picking it up he plays the videos of you in the park. He smiles with tears in his eyes. You looked so happy. He saw you kiss him on camera and everything in his world fell tumbling down. A tear escapes as V starts to begin crying loudly. Suga walks over and lets V cry like a baby on his shoulder. "This is all my fault. All my fault. All my fault."

Present day

V looks at his phone one more time before closing his eyes and trying to picture how you were before the accident. A tear rolls down his cheek. Finally he gets up and walks out. Jungkook watches silently. If this was his way to mourn. Then he'll let him be.

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