Just Friends

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It had been weeks since my feelings for Liam had started to grow, since I started to love him more than a friend. I didn't know how to tell him, I don't think he has guessed yet. But I need to tell him, I need to tell him that I am in love with him.
My footsteps echoed in the silence of the shadowed skatepark, a dome here and there with many ramps surrounding it. The one that Liam and I had practically claimed for ourselves. I could see him skating, his blonde-brown wind ruffled hair alluring me in, his ripped skinny jeans outlining his fit legs and his black T-shirt revealing his hardened abs. His green eyes were wide with anticipation and a sly smirk plastered across his face. One that many girls have fallen for, and now I was a victim.
I wanted to do nothing more then to hold him, however that might ruin our friendship altogether, and I don't think I could deal with that.
With a whoosh from the skateboard Liam zoomed past, the smirk still placed on his face and his athletic body poised like a cat, swiftly he shot up the ramp and into the air, doing a perfect backflip before scooting down and jumping off before me, barely a sweat on his perfect face.
"Hey Nick, what's the matter, you seem kinda out of it today." Liam stated, ruffling my jet black hair as if I was his younger brother, which maybe was all I am to him.
"Oh nah. Nah nothing is wrong..." I mumbled back, avoiding his gaze.
"Nick you know I hate it when you lie to me." Concern is written all over his face, in every perfect curve and crease of his cream-white skin.
I want to kiss him.
But he might hate me.
I looked into his emerald eyes and wished he could read my mind, maybe understand how I was feeling. After all, who could not love him? He is popular, hot, caring, amazing... The list is endless.
"I'm fine." I repeated, taking the skateboard in my hand and placing it on the ground, stepping on it and sliding down the ramp.
It felt good to have the cool night air stinging my face, the presence of Liam next to me, the moonlight shining brighter then the street lamps placed around us.
The funny thing is this place had been closed off, apparently someone died here or something, and the parent demanded that fences were out up all around. However this just made Liam and I more eager to come in.
I swerved up the side, balancing myself perfectly before doing a one armed handstand, something I'm trying to perfect.
Unfortunately this wasn't one of my good days, I lost my balance after a few seconds and crash landed into a ramp, my face stinging.
"Agh... God damn it, I'm getting annoyed at that shit trick." I swore under my breath, Liam coming beside me and helping me up.
"Don't you dare laugh." I growled at his face, contorted strangely as he tried to hold back his laughter.
In one swift movement I had buckled his leg and naturally he fell on the ground, "Ouch. I hate it when you fight me, Nick. You always win." He smiled, making a blush creep up my cheeks. His words echoing in my mind; you always win.... Hehe that's what he said...
"Of course I do, you're a softie when I'm around." I playfully flirted.
"Nicky... That was our little secret!" Liam whined playfully, this was how we got on with our lives. We flirted playfully, we said dirty things and acted like we would do dirty things, although we never had.
"Don't worry, that secret was stashed away last night, remember?" I smiled at the dirty joke, causing Liam to punch my leg and have me collapse on the ground, a grin on his face.
That was surprising, usually he smirked, sometimes grinned. But with me...
No no no... I could feel a blush building up.
I distracted myself with thoughts on my next music piece for guitar, something I have been working on.
"Nick..." Liam started, shifting to look at me.
My skateboard was somewhere to my left, I was about to grab it until I heard the tone of voice Liam used on me. It was the voice that went 'I need to tell you something really important' kind of thing.
"Yes?" I asked, my heart skipping a beat as my inner romantic held high hopes.
"I have... A girlfriend." Liam muttered under his breath.
And that was when my heart shattered.

A/N Heyo Cookies! First chapter of the first book on this account!! What do you think? 😏

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