Her Curse

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Everyone is born with a curse. Some are life changing some aren't. Some have huge effects and some are just mindbogglingly annoying.

Play practice. How did I get stuck in a high school play practice with my ex. Let me tell you. One of my friends, we'll call him Zen. Is a pretty well known theater actor, Whenever he needs help practicing lines. He calls me. I don't really mind, he says I'm a good actor and such. I never really cared. Until now. When he's been called into a play practice at the local high school to help out or provide insight or whatever. He drags me along because I'm a "good actor" and I'll "Provide valuable experience" and "I graduated here" Except I graduated online, I've never actually been in the building except for graduation.

This wouldn't be the worst thing except a guy I had been dating for a couple of months is in this theater group, and he broke up with me last week. Which makes this a fantastically terrible experience. So here I sit in a circle of theater nerds, my ex-boyfriend and my friend Zen who is constantly talking me up on how good at acting I am.

I let out a deep sigh as the director/teacher person who invited us begins a new discussion. "Alright Zen, could you tell us what role your curse has played in your life to get you where you are." Understandably a good question. Our curses shape us. But she made one wrong move. She asked Zen that question - I groan - Which will inevitably lead you to "Well my curse is that I'm far too beautiful. See the gods above made a mistake creating me! People just fall for my beauty all over the place." Which isn't fair because this guy survives on a diet of cigs and beer and exercises an unhealthy amount. I sigh again. "But it's very important what you do with the misfortune that falls upon you." Zen continued. "Each of your curses shape you, you have to accept them no matter how bad they are." The teacher nodded "Of course Zen, with that said what ideas does your friend have on this matter?" They both turned to me along with the rest of the theater group. I let out another sigh, "The difference between curses and blessing are little to none. People just like things to be negative and hopeless in this world so they use the word 'curse' and pretend like that's what's holding them back." I say spitefully, but honestly.

"Alright then how is my curse a blessing?" I heard a familiar, just as spiteful, voice almost yell back at me. Jay, who was previously acting like he didn't know me was now glaring at me. You see this is the reason I didn't want to be here, my ex. He dumped me only a week and a half ago but it still causes pain in my chest just to see his face. Especially a face as unhappy as the one he's making at me right now. I cover up this pain in my chest with a smile "Well darling I'd have to know what your curse is." I say in a kind tone, despite the fact that he's one of the people that use his curse as a crutch.

Even though we dated for four or so months we never got to share our curses with each other. Our time together was short and we rarely saw each other. The theater kids looked around at each other solemnly, they all already seemed to know his curse. "Didn't you date him? Shouldn't you know?" One of them spoke up to me, he looked pretty upset that I'd even asked. I frowned a small bit "I do not. I really don't think it matters to much though." They all looked at me like I'd just murdered a child. "Don't you care?" "I do, I think it'll be an interesting insight to who he is, but the point being he doesn't want to even see me anymore. So why is it important?"

"Because it's the reason I broke up with you. Is that a good enough reason?" Jay's saddened voice silenced everyone else's, and all I could think was I knew there was something you weren't telling me. "Enlighten me?" I look at him genuinely interested, but he refused to meet my gaze. Like he was afraid or disappointed. "You lied to me." I hope the confusion on my face was apparent because I didn't understand a damn thing he was saying. "You told me you loved me, and that had to be a lie." He said it so quietly that I struggled to hear him. "I do love you though, I didn't stop." I just stared at him more confused than I have ever been in my life. I really, actually loved this guy and here he is telling me I don't like it's some kind of fact? It's insulting and it hurts. "You don't, and you can't. My curse is that nobody will ever love me. Not even my family." Jay has such a pained expression on his face.

It dawned on me that this is why he's so distant, so unsure of himself. This is why he thinks I'm lying. Why he didn't believe anyone would love him. "Then why did you agree to date me?" Was the only question I could manage to ask. "I thought maybe I could go against the curse, win someone over through time alone. But you said you've loved me since the beginning before I loved you even. So I had to wake up and realize you didn't."

The room went silent as I sat back in my chair. Quietly going over all the information, while everyone stared at me. "See don't you understand." "Your lies do nothing but hurt him" I could hear them all whispering in an audible tone. I smile "I haven't lied though." I lean my head back further so that I'm staring at the ceiling. "What do you mean you aren't lying?" I could hear the anger in Jay's voice. "You have to be, and we heard Zen earlier talking to up. Telling us how good you are at acting!" "And I told you that I'm not that great, there is approximately 0% chance I could have kept that ruse up for four months." I said in a calm tone that seem to infuriate him more. I could feel his glare on me even before I sat up straight to look him in the eyes.

You know what. I really hate people. "You aren't even thinking about my side." I said with a smile, a knowing grin. "Which is?" a reply said with a sharp tone, an uncaring tone. "My curse. Jacob, what is my curse?" He took a step back, blinked and looked at me confused "Your curse?" "Are you finally asking what it is. Or are you just confused about the fact that I also maybe be slightly cursed?" Jay just stared at me "Curses don't exactly affect her. Which is why she doesn't fall for my beauty. Why she can fall for yours." Zen spoke up, I suppose he thinks this entire situation got out of hand. I nod in agreeance. "I can love you, and I do." I stood up and walked out. "Zen, I think I'm going to leave them to you. I'm emotionally exhausted, I don't think I can help you out today."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2018 ⏰

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