Chapter 2 ~ Interesting

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The winds from the ocean below whipped the loose strands of her hair back and forth. Every now and again, one would end up in her mouth sending Mike into a chuckle.

"Mr. Jimmy is relieved to have you Cat!" The pilot from the front called through the headset.

Nodding, Cat looked at the people around her. There were two pilots in the front, a woman by the name of Andrea sitting directly across from Mike. The woman was in charge of communications on the bridge of the ship, so this was a normal trip for her. That was no excuse though, not from the way she looked at Mike.

Cathleen would always give him a hard time for it. Even though he had a wife and kid, the man was a real browser for the ladies. He was attractive, everyone knew it, but Cat always made sure no one made a move on him. His wife was very greatful for her company. 

Across from her was a strange man. She had never seen him before, and the vibe she was getting from him made her very uncomfortable. Earlier he had introduced himself as Donald Vildrine. He was old, awkward, and overall uneasy. This wasn't her ship though. She didn't have say over who had access on board.

All Cat had to do was smile, wave, and fix whatever needed to be fixed.

"Yeah, I heard you boys are in quite the predicament. New guy didn't work out?"

"Not in the least." The co pilot shook his head. "You've got your work cut out I'll tell you that."

"Means good pay-day right?" Mike elbowed her playfully.

Seeing the twinge of jealousy in Andrea's eyes, Cat smiled back at him. "Absolutely my friend. Very good pay-day."


Crouching beneath the wings of the chopper, Cat threw her arm above her head out of habit until she was clear of the blades. Outside of the range, there stood Mr. Jimmy himself ready to greet all the guests with a warm smile. 

"Cathleen my dear." He extended his arms out pulling her in for a hug. "Thank god you're here." 

Muttering into his chest, Cat smiled into his embrace. "Only for you Jimmy." 

"Well I'm honored. I take it your driver was on time?" He then turned towards Mike. Mike and Jimmy had a very special relationship, it was like a father and son thing. Something that she always admired between the two. 

Shaking his hand, Mike put his hand over his heart pretending he was offended by the man's gesture. "I am always on time Mr. Jimmy." 

"I seem to recall otherwise Mr. Mikey." It was true. For a while, Mike was a rebel when he started working. However, the old man saw potential in him, so he kept him around. Thank god, because Mike was practically his right hand man now. 

Then, as he greeted Andrea, hers was short lived before being escorted up to the bridge where she belonged. 

Finally, the last passenger shook his hand. "Donald. It's nice to have you aboard." 

Confidently, the man tilted his head backwards and smiled. "Yes. We will see about that. I hope I can be of some assistance." Then, he was off towards the drilling unit. 

Cat watched him go, arms over her chest with disgust. "Well isn't he charming." Her voice called out loud enough for Donald to hear. "Goodluck Mr. Jimmy. I'll be down in the engine room." 

"Actually." her boss cut her off. "I do have some problems going on in the drill unit. I hope you don't mind embracing out guest a little longer, do you?" 

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