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 The rain fell noisily outside. The usual empty class was filled by the echo of the rushing rainfalls. (y/n) looked outside blankly. The guitar in her lap was left alone. The door slid open yet she's too immersed in her own world that she didn't turn her head at all. The boy closed the door carefully so he won't distract the girl. He made himself comfortable on the floor not far away from (y/n). He took out his PSP and started to pay attention to the screen. After a few moment though, his curriousity took over him and he decided to pay attention to (y/n) instead. That wasn't exactly the first time she acts that way. He can't say it for sure, but (y/n) always has the tendency to wanders her attention to the rain. He would really like to ask, but then he's afraid that things would turn awkward after that. But then again, his curriousity can't seem to quiet down.

How do I start? he thought to himself.

Right after he's thinking about it, his grip on the PSP loosen and suddenly it dropped to floor with a thunk, surprising himself and the girl who sat in front of the window. He felt his heart pound faster at his stupidity.

"Um, S-Sorry." he stuttered at the word.

"No, it's ok, really. But, Kenma, you surprised me really. I didn't realize that you're there." she chuckled quietly.

"I just didn't want to disturb you." he sighed finally manage to pick his PSP up.

(y/n) starred at Kenma when he looked down at his PSP screen and started paying attention to it. She huffed a small sigh as she smiled to herself. The boy near him is too considerate, that she realized of course. The time they spent together make her learn some things about him.

"You're always like that." she mumbled while smiling to herself.

(y/n) looked outside once more although this time her hands start to strum the guitar. A melody rushing like the puring rain then being played. Kenma whose eyes still attached to the PSP screen can't help but listen to it. Although the melody being played seem calm, he can sense a bit of sadness in it. He can't really say it for sure, and he don't want to ask about it, so he just let the thought slip.

Who am I to ask that kind of personal stuff?

Silence [Kenma Kozume x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now