Part Two

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Part Two

Mumbai, 2007

"Why can't you get married, Trishna?" Madhu moaned as she looked at the ceiling lying on Trishna's bed. "Why do you want me to get married suddenly?" turning to look at Madhu lying next to her, Trishna asked confused. "Well' Mom said that only after your marriage will she consider about RK's marriage. And only when your mother starts considering about RK's marriage will I be able to get married." Madhu said turning to look at Trishna. "You should tell him how you feel about him." Trishna said for the billionth time. "No… I am just too scared and shy." Madhu said. "I could tell him." Trishna suggested for the millionth time. "No! And I think he kinda knows." Madhu said "You just get married, and then Papa will talk to Mom and Dad about RK's and my marriage." Madhu continued shyly. "I want to get married after RK and you are married. I want to stay with you for some days here. My bhabhi and I driving my brother crazy is my longtime dream." Trishna said, "As if we don't do that now." Madhu says. "But you as my bhabhi would be more fun." Trishna says. "Hmmm yeah! But it is not possible." Madhu said sadly. "Unless you trick my brother into eloping with you." Trishna said with a sly grin. "Maybe I should!" Madhu said. "Yeah, you should. Then we will be sisters-in-law!" Trishna said excitedly. Both the friends lay on the bed as they thought of how good it would be if Madhu and RK were to get married.

All of a sudden, Madhu sits up excitedly "You know what?" "What?" Trishna asks excitedly seeing Madhu's excitement. "You should marry Sultan. So then we will be sisters-in-law." "WHAT?? Have you gone out of your mind?" Trishna asks shocked. Of all the people Sultan!!! Every time they meet, they fight. He is always rude to her though he is extra sweet to the rest of the world. "Why? What is wrong with my brother?" Madhu asks offended. "We are always fighting." Trishna tries to remind her best friend. "So?" Madhu asks. "So???" Trishna asks shocked. "You guys have this love-hate relation going on. You both are sweet to everyone except each other. Haven't you seen in movies and read in books? When a guy likes a girl, he is rude to that girl. Sultan is that type of a guy." "Yeah, right!" Trishna says sarcastically. "Do you mind marrying my brother?" Madhu asks. Trishna thinks for a while, "He is okay. Good looking, intelligent, stable in life and sweet to others." Trishna allows. "THAT'S IT!!!" Madhu says excitedly and immediately picks up her cell and calls someone. "Who are you calling?" Trishna asks but Madhu just grins.

"Sultan! Do you have a girlfriend?"

"WHAT??" Trishna and Sultan say at the same time. Madhu covers her cell for a second and asks Trishna to shut up then "Do you have a girlfriend?" she asks Sultan again.

"Why do you want to know?" he asked back. "Well I want to know" when he remains silent she cutely begs "please" "No." Sultan replies. "okay.. Do you have a crush on anyone?" Madhu asked. "What the hell is your problem, Madhu? Just because you have nothing better to do, don't think everyone else is like you." Sultan says irritated. "Please Sultan, I need to know. It is very important." "Why is it so important?" he asks her. "That, I will tell you later." "Then I will tell you this later." Sultan says pissed. "I will keep irritating you, till you answer me, Sultan." Madhu warned. "You are a pain, Madhu!!! And no… I don't have a crush on anyone." Sultan says in an angry tone. "Great! So that means you don't mind getting married to Trishna, right?" Madhu asks. "WHAT???" Trishna and Sultan ask shocked. "Keep the phone down, Madhu." Trishna says in a warning tone. "Is it that Trishna's new idea to get into my nerves?" Sultan asks pissed. "No, we are very serious and I am going to hang up now. Papa will call you in a while to talk to you about when we can come and officially ask for Trishna's hand." And Madhu hangs up before Sultan can say anything while Trishna glares at her. "I will kill you." Trishna said in an angry tone. "No, bhabhi." Madhu teases as she dials her father. "Papa, call up Sultan." When she notices Trishna was going to snatch the phone from her, she pushes her off and runs out of the room laughing still talking on the phone. "And ask him when he is free to come to Kundra house to ask for Trishna's hand." "I don't get the joke, Madhu" Malik says confused. "I am not joking, Papa. I am serious. Trishna doesn't mind marrying Sultan." Madhu said slyly when she saw Trishna coming to her. "I gotta go Papa. Will come home in a while." Madhu said as she hung up the phone then ran towards the kitchen laughing.

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