Monty & Mummy

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"Look at me Mummy!" Called Monty as he jumped over the puddle.

"Did you see me?, did you see me?! I  did it!" He cried, excitement in each word.

"Watch me mummy, I  can do it again."

"Good job!" Called Monty's mother as he jumped over it again.

"See, if you practice, you can do anything." She said, with a proud expression, she was just so proud of him and Monty was proud of himself too.

"Look at me mummy!" called Monty as he climbed over the big rock.

"Did you see me? did you see me?I did it!" He hollered. "Watch me mummy I can do it again."

"Well done honey!" Cried Monty's mum as he climbed over it again.
"See if you practice, you can do anything." She said.

"Look at me mummy!" called Monty as he kicked the ball.
"Did you see me? Did you see me? I did it." He smiled widely, while his mum stared at him in adoration,
"Watch me mummy I can do it again."

"Fantastic!" called Monty's mum as he kicked the ball again.
"See, if you practice, you can do anything!" She said.

"Look at me mummy!" Screamed Monty as he ran around the medium sized backyard.
"Did you see me? did you see me? I did it! Watch me mummy I can do it again!"

"Wow! super!" Called Monty's mum as he ran infront of her amd gave her a hug. "See, if you practice, you can do anything." She said.

"Look at me mummy!" Called Monty as he ran around the room in his new school uniform, after his first day at big school.

"Did you see me? Did you see me? I did it!" He grinned a toothy smile, showing the gap in his front teeth.

"Oh, how wonderful." Called Monty's mum as he showed her his homework happily.

"See, you can do anything if you put your mind to it!" She yelled in joy for her beautiful baby boy.

Days months, and years passed by like seconds for Monty's mother, she was so proud and loved her son so much as she watched him grow up into the best person he could be, and so, Monty and Mummy lived happily ever after.

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