Failure, advice ,success

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The first Term of St Higine school had completed and Akada had failed totally she had E through out her report,  And  the sad thing was that the results were mentioned in front of the whole school  and she felt humiliated in front of the whole school .After the school had closed Akada hurriedly packed her bag started her journey to her house to avoid any more humiliation. When she reached home she entered  her room , removed her clothes and joined her aunty at the kitchen.  When she went to the kitchen,  she greeted her aunty
After this she helped  her aunty in cooking.  After sometime dinner was ready when they  sat down to eat ,the aunty asked her where her report card was but she pretended as if she had not heard the aunty. but she  still insisted she bring her report card she immediately stood up,  went to her room  and picked her report card and came back to the dinning hall. Immediately the aunty grabbed the report card from her hand and read everything inside the report but the aunty sat her down and spoke to her and told her that she can gain success if she reads everyday.  after this she took the advice and started learning, reading more and doing her homework within two years she was the first in her class and her friends stopped teasing her infact  it was a good news for the aunty THE END!

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