Returning Home

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First You had mentioned it, then after a short while I came to notice it as well. The pale morning sun had transformed into a wonderful amber orb, the rest of the sky around it stained generously with its hues. "Shit.. we better start heading back home kid, the adults might get worried" You reminded me, like any responsible adult should. But me? No. I wanted to see more and I was going to see more! We couldn't just stop now.

During our little expedition through the maze of monumental bookshelves and hallways, we discovered something that grabbed more of our interest than the rotting texts.

We found file cabinets

You, of course, expressed little interest. And being he was very impatient with me as he suggested we kept moving, but I couldn't just abandon whatever archives were stored in these containers. I yearned for more, and I was pretty adamant about it too.

The file cabinets weren't nearly as impressive as the colossal expanse of books, they were small, about You's height. And unlike the bookshelves that carried heavily weathered books, these displayed an eloquent accumulation of papers. We advanced further into the office space, what lay in front of us was an old desk, and two chairs parallel to each other on either side. You casually took a seat in the chair opposite of the file cabinets out of exhaustion and audible boredom as he sighed. I sat in the chair coextending his, admiration pored out of me as I found how relaxing and comfortable it was. This allowed me to take in more of the office before my impulsiveness gets the better of me when I would soon ravage the file cabinets. The office was small, yes, but the underwhelming view of it pales in comparison to the knowledge it held.
My brain will be practically orgasming at what I might find here!
I thought childishly, and couldn't help let out a snort in content.
You spoke up once my bubble of laughter broke the silence of the small office. "So, are you looking at those file cabinets or what, kid? We haven't got all day, y'know" You exasperated with impatience, I raised a brow rebelliously at the man. "Oh yeah? What are you so eager to go home to anyway? Sleeping? Oh! Maybe sitting down and staring into space?" I poked at him arrantly. "Shut up!" You growled in response, he crossed his arms disapprovingly and pushed himself back in his chair to pout.

"Get on with it then" He finally said, defeated.

Quickly I bounced up from my chair and slid onto the floor so I was resting in the forefront of the cabinets. Eagerly I reached out, but then I stopped in contemplation, You quirked a brow in response. "What are you waiting for, a red carpet?" He made the inquisition sarcastically, "I want you over here!-So we can open it together" I explained impatiently. You gave a bothered huff before rising from his chair to join me, he squatted next to me, resting his chin on his hand. You was far from implicated as I was, but given the circumstances we were both dying from at the moment (chapter in progress)

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