let's be real

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It's been months of Amy and king's "acting". They didn't even notice the way they were anymore and it felt like they were really together. They would turn down other proposals because they claimed to be together and were very loyal for a fake couple. Even in front of gentle they were the same way.
There were many time kings wanted to be Amy's real boyfriend but could not work up the courage to suggest it to Amy. Even when she seemed not to care she was really thinking of if the two were really compadable. King did what ever he could for Amy but that was not odd because he was like that in the first place. Amy was the same and she didn't have a problem with it. She offten would think of why she did what she did but couldn't figure out what it was till she had a conversation with yayio who had gotten pretty serious with Ian recently.
The two were hanging out at a small quite cafe together. Amy was intrested in what was going with the new couple and heard things that sounded so familiar. Amy felt she was getting the same things from king when yayio would say how she got something and how she felt when she did. Amy could relate well but wondered if she felt the same way about the same things is she feeling the feeling the same way about the person who did them for her. The thought bothered her to the point that she zoned out thinking about her and king. Things she thought  about led to a smile growing on her face and catching yayio's attention. "Hey are you paying attention to me?" She asked making Amy snap out of her thoughts. "Yayio do you still like king?" Amy asked. " yeah he is my friend why wouldn't I like him?" Yayio asked drinking her smoothie . " No I mean like him like him?" Amy asked yayio almost chocked.  " why do you ask that knowing I'm with ian?" Yayio asked wiping her mouth." Well it's just that I know you have a boyfriend but that doesn't mean your feelings for someone else has stopped. " Amy says. "Well like I said before he will always be special to me but after all that has happened I got over him." Yayio says. " how did you do it?"?" Amy asked. "Well it wasn't easy but when I thought about it I realized he has never shown any romantic interest in me and i was just doing too much. Why do you ask is something wrong with you two?" Yayio asked. " what? what do you mean us two it's not like we are a couple." Amy says in a high pitched voice. "Spill it." Yayio says Amy couldn't hid anything from her. "Okay fine the reason I asked is because I didn't want you to be mad at me." Amy says leaving yayio confused." Why would I get mad at you if I did still like king?" Yayio asked. " Because I kind of like him now. And I didn't want to make any   unnecessary drama." Amy says yayio just hugged her poor  innocent friend. "Thanks but even if I still was in love with king you would get picked over
Me." Yayio says." Why do you always think that?" Amy asked. " even if I didn't feel competition the future is already written. " yayio says. " what?" Amy asked not understanding but she could tell yayio was not supost to tell her that when she covered her mouth. " nope you already said it what does it mean?" Amy asked. " I'm not supported to tell anyone or it could change the future." Yayio says. " or you could create what was going to happen anyway now tell me." Amy says yayio would have to tell her eventually. "Okay fine one of the reasons I got over king is because I know he really said he was not into me the way I wanted but I learned the night I spent the night at your place and you two thought I was sleeping in the back. At first I was but I woke and you two were talking so I didn't want to interupt. When he told you how he felt about me I was sad and wanted to change it but when we got to your place I had been analyzing the DNA from his descendant. The results had finally come in and I still didn't want to let go." Yayio says. Amy had figured out what yayio was saying but still felt shocked." Are you telling me the guy from the future is the descendent of me and king?" Amy asked to make sure she was correct. Yayio just nodded but the unreadable face Amy had made her think Amy didn't like it. " why you dont like that?" Yayio asked.  " No I'm happy but I'm just supried he looked nothing like me." Amy says. " Well your other grate grand child looks more like you." Yayio says. " there are two?" Amy asked very happy with this news. It was then Amy felt that was it, that was all she needed to be sure she knew what she was going to do about her parents.
Hours later Amy sat alone in her room thinking. She had called her parents and told them she had been lying about her relashionship with king. She told them how she didn't want to be forced to marry someone especly someone she didn't know. She explained how she didn't want to leave her life in Japan and that she loved them but she couldn't do what they wanted exactly how they wanted. Thankfully her parents loved her more than money and agreed to let her be free. They understood why they were wrong and apologized to her. They learned to get their way they don't have to make others pay the price.
Amy called king to tell him what had happened but he insisted on hearing it face to face. Amy thought he would come through the door like a normal person but when she heard a tap on her balcony doors  she remembered who she was dealing with. She opened the balcony doors and greeted king with a smile. She let him in and they began to talk about what she did. When she finished explaining h e had one question. " so that's it we don't have to do this anymore?" He asked. "Well you seem dissapointed?" She says not hearing him happy with the situation. " No I'm happy we don't have to lie anymore I think I'm just use to it." He says. "I see well nothing  is going to change ." She says. " Well now people will question us because if we are broken up why do we not change." He says. " Well they don't have to know. It's not their bussnies so we can do whatever we want and be whatever we want." She says. " true but won't it seem weird?" He asked." Well if we don't make it weird then it won't be." She says. He suddenly put his arm around her naturally." I'm goona miss this." He says. " King you don't have to stop. I'm  not making you stop. This is how we have always been this is how we will be, nothing will change." She says. " yes it will I can't prevent things anymore. I can't keep guys away from you because of my selfish wishs amy." He interrupted frustrated. "Selfish wishs?" Amy asked. "Yeah Amy my selfish wishs okay i don't want to fack brake up with you cause this is as close to the real thing I can get. I don't know why or how but I learned that I don't want you to be with just anybody Amy....I want you to be with me." He says he puts his head down fearing he will be turned down. "King." She says but he doesn't answer. "King." She repeated but same thing.  "Daigo answer me right now." She says showing she was not playing around. "What?" He says. " I'm gonna ask you a question and I want you answer truthfully got it." She says he nodded. "King Do you...love me?" She asked he looked up to see she really wanted to know. " can love really be the word I pick to describe my feelings for you. I may not have known before but I don't want to live without you Amy. I just can't do it. I'm sorry hate me if you want but I said what I needed to." He says but is cut off when he feels her push her lips onto his quickly. Although he was supried he quickly got over it and wrapped her in his arms. They didn't separate till they needed air but even when they pulled away they didn't move too far. Still in eachothers' arms they breathed heavily from the passionate kiss. "Amy why did you do that?" He asked. " to be 100 % sure of the situation." She says. " what do we do now?" He asked knowing her feelings. A smile just grew on her lips as she leaned in and kissed him again. He didn't resist and the two repeated the action a few more times till they thought they should talk about what their next step is.
Sitting at the foot of Amy's bed on the ground the two stayed  with Amy resting in King's arms. "So do you want to tell everyone we broke up?" She asked him while playing with his hands that rested on her shoulder. " Well after thinking what they don't know won't hurt them. Besides why tell them we stopped a fake relashionship with eachother to start a real one." He says. " so you want to be with me?" She asked. "Are you really asking that. After all that just happened do you think I would turn you down. Why not we both are feeling the same thing so we should at least try don't you think?" He asked. He didn't get an answer but she started to kiss him again. They kept going for a while and they were so into their kiss they didn't notice gental had come in and found the two. A smile just grew on his face as he pulled his phone out and took a picture of the two. He sent it to her parents with the message.
Gental: I just found this in Amy's room.
Mr.yuuzuki: thank you gental but you can stop spying she told us already.
Gental:I know but if I didn't tell you this you wouldn't know they are real now.
Mr.yuuzuki:thanks for the heads up. Did she know it was you watching her?
Gental: not a clue.
Gental looked in Amy's room to see the happy couple still not knowing he was there so he just left them alone.
He prayed the two would work out because after all these year he sees Amy as his child and does not want her to get hurt. At the same time he felt relaxed she was with king because he would give anything to protect Amy.

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