Too much excitement

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Ginny woke up to see Lily's bed empty. She crept around Roxy's cot, and Elizabeth's bed. (They had split the girls up since the room had been over crowded.)

She found her outside, sitting on the bench. It looked as if she had been crying.

Ginny didn't mention the tears, but instead, just sat.

"I guess you want to know what's wrong."

"Nope, just thought I'd sit."

"Ginny, you're my Mum. I know your tricks to get me to talk." Ginny nodded.

"So, what is it?"

"It's just, today is my birthday."

"Oh! Happy Birthday." She said. "Oh."

"I was supposed to wake up to pancakes and toast, dad would put too much syrup on them, and I would laugh, and when he turned his back, you'll use magic to get rid of some of the syrup. Then you take me shopping, and buy me far more than I need. Then we go to the Burrow, where everyone pops out yelling 'SURPRISE.' even though I know they're going to do it. Then we have cake and all of us kids pass out all over the floor, and I wake up in my bed tomorrow morning." Lily let more tears escape.

"Oh, Lily, I'm sorry." Ginny felt bad that her only daughter couldn't have her birthday. "Come with me."

Lily looked at her like she was mad.

"Come on!" She said.

Lily took her mother's hand and let her lead her inside. Ginny sat her down and made pancakes.

"Sorry, I can only do so much, Harry's not up yet." She said.

Lily sighed. "And there's another thing. My own parents don't know it's my birthday."

"If we are anything like you say, I'm sure we'll make it up to you when you get to your own time." Ginny said. Lily smiled and ate her pancakes.

"Well, we can't go shopping, I don't really have any money, not married to the rich and famous Potter yet." Lily grinned. "But, maybe we can do something else?"

"Um, maybe we can play Quidditch?"

"Maybe." Ginny said, nodding.

"Hey guys." Both girls looked up to see Harry, his hair messier than usual. Ginny smiled and Lily lost her smile, on the verge of tears again.

"Oh, Lily, Happy Birthday." Harry said.

Lily looked shocked.

"James told me last night."

"And nobody choose to fill me in." Ginny hissed, pulling Harry to the side. He put his hands up in surrender. She sighed. Lily smiled again.

"So Lily, how would you like to show us your Quidditch skills today?" Harry asked.

"Sounds great." Harry gave her a familiar smile, or at least, familiar to her. Ginny had never seen the smile before. It must have been one he only got for his daughter.

Elizabeth came down. "Ooh! Mrs. Potter's pancakes."

Harry and Ginny both turned bright red.

"Oh, err, I'll stick to Ginny, I guess." She muttered.

"If you don't mind." Harry said.

"Sorry, err, I'll go wake up James." She said, running upstairs.

"What did I say?" Harry asked. Ginny glared at him, but Lily rolled her eyes.

"You guys are like second parents to her. She's not used to seeing you not together." Lily said.

"My god. We are my parents." Ginny muttered.

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