Chapter 6

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"Well, for starters, that shack is my house." Mismagius explained.

"Your house? We were using it to rest up for the night." Braixen replied while Gardevoir nodded in agreement.

"Why would you need to rest up?"

"Well, the two of us are off on a quest - alright, Gardevoir, I won't call it that - to weaken a memory-wiping force field surrounding a city."


"Uh... well... er..." Braixen blanked out, so Gardevoir piped up.

"We're doing it because she got lost and was claimed as a new victim to the force field's memory-wiping energy."

"So it's like a revenge thing?"

"Pretty much."

The three of them fell silent and stared into the fire for a while. This silence lasted for a few minutes, until Mismagius started talking again.

"You know, I'm also out for revenge."
"Really? What for?" Braixen asked.

"Someone who used to be in my magic class! That golden piece of shit... thought she was better than everyone else..."

"Alrighty, let's not get too tense, here..." Braixen began, but Mismagius had gotten up so quickly that three of her five hats fell off.


Braixen and Gardevoir exchanged shocked glances before looking back at Mismagius, whose eyes had become a flaring orange colour. Braixen then spoke up.

"You... you wanna join us on our journey? You might get some closure for your issue."

"I'D LOVE TO", Mismagius said, grabbing her fallen hats and placing them back on her natural hat.

"Well, we're not gonna be able to get anywhere by waiting for night to pass, I guess", Gardevoir stated. "Let's just go to sleep."

The other two agreed, and the three of them went into the shack to sleep (well, in Mismagius's case, she went to stare at a wall until morning).

When the dawn finally came around, the three of them were already ready to go. After a very quick breakfast where Braixen scarfed down some berries while Gardevoir and Mismagius just stared at her and waited, they all continued back into the woods. They were basically safe at this point because Mismagius was spooky enough to scare off the Ice-types if they tried to attack them again. Eventually, they reached a point in the forest where the greenery became less dense, and before they knew it, they were standing on the edge of a huge chasm.

"Great," Mismagius muttered. "I didn't count on there being some kinda pit."

"Well you're lucky that I've got psychic powers." Gardevoir stated, raising her arms and coating the three of them in some sort of purple aura. She flung her hands in the direction of the other side of the chasm, and they were all immediately thrown in that direction. At the other side, Gardevoir landed gracefully, while Braixen slammed headfirst into a tree and Mismagius hit the ground so hard that half her body was submerged in dirt.

"Mismagius, can't you float?" Braixen asked, rubbing her head which, miraculously, wasn't fractured.

"Mmph mmph." Her reply came out muffled since she was in dirt. Gardevoir grabbed the back of her "robe" and pulled her out.

"Can't float that far." she grunted before spitting out a large clump of dirt. They continued onward, and eventually, in the distance, they noticed a town. Braixen was rather confused, but Gardevoir and Mismagius both knew this place.

"Ah, yes. My old place of residence."

"You lived here too?" Gardevoir asked. "This old town used to be where I lived, before they put up the force field. No-one who was already in the town prior to the force field's installation was affected by it, myself included, hence why I'm aware of all that crap."

"Yeah, I lived there." Mismagius responded. "It was where I went to school, and where I first found that BITCH!" She yelled that last part out while hovering forward, and Gardevoir had to restrain her.

"Eaaaasy there, tiger."

The three of them headed towards the town, but noticed something was off. This town was completely devoid of residents.

"What happened here?" Braixen uttered, thinking aloud. Mismagius turned to her and started talking again.

"Yeah, that's why I left the town. See, that second half was built right on top of the border between two tectonic plates, and, well, you probably already know what happened next. Shall we head onward?"

"I'm ready to. You, Gardevoir?" Braixen asked, with no response. She looked around the place, searching for her.

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