Greetings, Wattpadders!
I'd like to thank you for clicking on my story. This story is different for me to write but I'm having quite a bit of fun along the way. I hope you have as much fun reading it as I've had writing it! Thanks again for giving this a view.
This story will contain some profanity, sexual themes, abuse and violence. Reader discretion is advised. Most of the German is translated right after the phrase is said but some google translating might be necessary unless you can comprehend this fantastic language proficiently. Also, this is in no way targeting German culture or the country itself. I myself would love to visit the beautiful Germany someday :-) View this as nothing more than an exchange trip horror story with a host family that just so happens to be German.
Also, some (not all) of the instances in this story are inspired by true exchange experiences. That's right folks, some of this stuff actually happened to students on exchange trips. If you'd like to read some enthralling exchange trip horror stories, there are an insane amount of threads on Reddit all about it. Reading through them, it's noticeable that quite a few of the kids had a hard time getting out of the situation once they were placed in it. Besides this being a great story idea, I also wanted to bring some awareness to this issue. Unfit host parents take on exchange students all the time.
In closing, I hope you enjoy my story. I'd appreciate your support through votes and comments if you enjoy what you read. I'll do my very best to reply to each and every comment I receive.
Now, without further ado, go ahead on to the next part to delve into 'the Host'.
The Host
HorrorForeign exchange students, Aimee and Alejandro, aren't sure what awaits them on their exchange trip to Germany. Upon meeting their host family, they learn that they are relatively pleasant people...with a few quirks. Before long, what was supposed t...