Chapter 1

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If anybody would have asked the Latvian what he desired the most in the world, he would have only told them that he is happy about his life right now. Raivis Galante, said Latvian, was happy with his life. He loved his russian boyfriend and lived happily together with him since a few weeks now. He and Ivan have been together since around 3 years now. Back then everybody gave them weird looks. But of course they did, Raivis was only 15 and his boyfriend was already over 20 years old. But now Raivis is 18 and legally an adult by law. At least here in Riga, Latvia. Where they are living. Raivis was still going to school but he was as good as finished, he was in his last year. In the 12th grade.

Right now he was walking through a park and happily summed a song. It was around 3 PM and it was February. Almost Valentine's day. Raivis of course prepared something for Ivan. He wrote him a poem for Valentine's day, it's nothing much but something selfmade still has more charm than something you have bought, right? And Ivan said that he enjoys Raivis' writing after all.

Raivis himself enjoys writing, especially poetry, and it's probably one of his favorite hobbies. But he enjoys reading probably just as much, since he is a sucker for romance novels. Some may say it's a typical girls thing to read but the Latvian didn't care. He enjoys it, after all. Some years ago it made him feel insecure about himself and others even picked on him for fun because he reads those. But with the time he grew older and began to care less about that. It still makes him feel insecure, at least a bit, but not as much as it did some years ago.

Smiling happily the Latvian decided to leave the park after a while and was now walking along the beautiful streets of this town and he then began to listen to some music he had on his phone. Nothing much, just to blend out the sounds his surroundings made and to quietly think about some stuff. Maybe he should add something to Ivan's Valentine's day gift? Only a poem could be not enough...who knows what his boyfriend got for him for this day? Since it is not only Valentine's day but also their anniversary. Three years. Time surely flies by, Raivis still can remember how they met for the first time and how awkward his confession was as if it all just happened last week...and all of that happened such a long time ago? Incredible. But the Latvian enjoyed every single day that he was together with the Russian. It may not be as romantic as Raivis would like it to be but he still sees and knows that Ivan tries.

Sighing happily the Latvian then ran one of his hands through his dirty blonde hair. He forgot to put on a hat as he left the apartment. It was cold outside and his ears were freezing, as well as his hands since he forgot to put on gloves, but the day was still beautiful. And the snow slowly began to melt too, so that's a good thing. Ivan was meeting his sisters today and he would probably be back in a few days. Since his sisters didn't live here, in Riga, but of course they didn't. Ivan originally only was here for a business trip and then later moved here because he got a better job offer here. The Blonde himself was born and raised here and while he sometimes hated living here, he really enjoyed that. And he was born on their national holiday, November 18th, too so his birthday always was some sort of special. Well, his birthday was the national holiday too after all so of course it's always special. And overall, he really liked to live here.

He still wandered around on the streets for a short while before deciding to go home. The sun was slowly setting and he should be back home and eat something. And then Raivis would call Ivan, of course. He missed his big teddy-bear after all. And Ivan did remind him of a big teddy-bear most often, mostly because he is much more taller than the Latvian is but Raivis was really short for his age after all. But the thing Raivis probably liked the most about his relationship with the tall Russian was probably was the cuddling. The sweet cuddles, the morning cuddles, the cuddles in the evening. The Latvian loved them just so much and since Ivan was somebody you could really cuddle good with so Raivis gave him the nickname teddy-bear. Ivan on the other hand always called Raivis his little sunflower. The Blonde knows that sunflowers are the favorite flowers of the Russian and Ivan said Raivis reminds him of one because of his blonde hair, even if it was a bit darker and dirtier than your usual golden blonde hair. But Raivis would never complain about that nickname, he actually enjoys to be Ivan's little sunflower.

Right now Raivis was waiting for the traffic lights to turn green so that he could cross the road. To his surprise not many other people wanted to cross this road right now but Raivis had no idea why. But that didn't matter to him, he wanted to go home after all. And this was the fastest way to go if he wants to go home. The lights turned green and Raivis then just mindlessly crossed the road, still smiling. What he didn't notice was the big truck coming up at a fast speed, not wanting to stop. At least at first and then Raivis noticed it was already too late. He got hit by that truck and fell to the floor, unconscious. Probably bleeding heavily as well. The emergency breaking of the driver of that truck didn't help at all and all around were people gasping and looking and only a few got the idea to actually call an ambulance.Raivis however was bleeding on his head and broke quite a lot of bones and was lying there, unconscious and drifting away. They say, life is racing in front of your eyes one last time before you die, and Raivis was now about to find that out.


As he opened his eyes again, he heard laughing and looked around a bit. He sat at a table in a coffeeshop along with his two new friends, Tolys and Eduard, they were exchange students. And Raivis joined in in their laughing.

"Anyways, I will get us some new drinks. And the two of you continue to work on that math problem!", Raivis said and stood up. He met up with Tolys and Eduard to do the homework and right now they were stuck with math. Mostly, because they were more making fun of some things and talked about everything but their homework.

"Two black coffees and one chocolate mocha, please", Raivis ordered and waited and just as he got their drinks and turned around he bumped into someone tall and probably ruined the clothes of this person with the drinks and Raivis gulped.

"O-Oh...I'm so sorry!", the Latvian instantly apologized and looked up to that person. It was a man, blonde or beige hair and blue eyes that seemed way more violet than blue. He seemed very angry. But Raivis perfectly understood why.

"You will have to make up for it little one, da?", this man answered to Raivis in english with a strong accent. Raivis guessed maybe russian or any other language but he didn't know for sure and gulped. Before he spoke in Latvian but would now have to answer in English. And his English wasn't the best.

"O-Oh...yes...yes of course, Mister", the Blonde answered and even trembled. This man smiled at him but at the same time had a creepy aura around him. What had Raivis gotten himself into again? Why does he have to be such a clumsy idiot...with another gulp Raivis looked up to the man again, even being kind of scared of what his next words will be.

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