Pt 1 - Surprise

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    Avery bounced out of her apartment with a smile on her face. She'd started the week off staring at her apartment thinking she needed a change. She'd had it decorated like that since she'd first moved in two years ago. Now, with a recent raise at work, she thought now was as good a time as any. As she waited for the elevator Avery pulled on her red and burgundy knitted cap over her long brown hair. When the elevator dinged she moved forward, pressing the lobby button. She hummed along to the music as the elevator started to move.

    In the lobby she rushed to open the door for the older couple reaching it. "Morning Mr. and Mrs. Arnold." she said as she held the door for them. The couple was a cute older couple that had welcomed her when she'd first moved in as their floor neighbor.

    "Avery, we told you to call us Kate and Lance." the woman said with a smile as she and her husband shuffled by. Avery figured they had to be in their late eighties but had never asked.

    "Oh, of course. Do you need help?" she asked as she took note of the grocery bags they carried.

    Lance chuckled a little, Avery sure he would've waved a dismissive hand if he'd had a free one. "Of course not. We've got it." there was the slightest hint of a British accent left to his voice even though he'd lived in New York ever since he'd chased Kate back more than sixty years ago after a summer they'd spent together. Another reason Avery believed they were in their eighties.

    "Okay, well, I'll press the button for you." she hurried ahead of them before Lance could say anything, smiling as she waited for them to get closer before pressing the up button.

    "I'm baking cookies tonight. You'll be there won't you?" Kate asked as they waited for the elevator.

    "Mmmm, yes! I love your chocolate chip." she all but purred out.

    "How about five? You can have dinner with us then."

    "Gladly. I'll see you then." Avery started back to the main door when the elevator opened for them. She gave a quick wave before hurrying outside and down the street . While planning for her decorating she'd decided she wanted a chest at the foot of her bed to hold her comforters for the end of winter. Luckily enough there was an antique store nearby and after calling she'd been told they had several for her to choose from. And she could have whatever she picked delivered to the apartment.

    It was only a ten minute walk and she found herself in the shop looking at the three chests they had. They were all at least 100 years old and a little on the expensive side. But she finally chose one that had been used as luggage and had the stamps and stickers of all the countries it'd been to still on it.

    While walking to the front another chest caught her eye. It wasn't as big. Probably six inches wide, twelve long and about eight high. It looked slightly newer because of its condition and a little on the plain side. But there was something about it. She hesitated before reaching out and lifted it. Avery carried it with her to the counter. "How much?"

    "Fifty-five. But we can't get it to open." the clerk said as he frowned at the chest.

    "Oh? Well," Avery hesitated before shaking her head. "I'll take it." she said, realizing after she'd said she'd have it. She hesitated before sighing out a little. After paying she filled out the forms to have the larger chest brought to her apartment before leaving with the smaller one tucked under her arm. She still couldn't decide what she'd do with the thing when it wouldn't even open.

    Once back in her apartment she took a better look at it. It's brass fittings weren't even worn with age and there was no lock on it to show why it couldn't be opened. She grabbed the latch, testing it out. Sure enough it was stuck tight and refused to budge. It must have warped or caught to be unable to open.

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