6. we don't listen.

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Anika pov.

It's been a few days and me and mikey are working for a good friendship I forgave him and we just needed space. I have gained weight and I'm always hungry but I get sick sometimes. Today I'm going to go to the store and get a pregnancy test. (I think I might be pregnet) I call jake because I need to tell him so I asked if he can come over.
"Hey um I need to tell you something" I ask.

"YES go ahead u can tell me anything." He says in a calm voice.

"So I think I might be ....um be ......... pregnant." I say fast.

"WHAT" he said so surprised.

"I was wondering if u could go with me to get tests from Walgreens." I ask nicely.

"Sure."he says.

We get to Walgreens and I grab the tests we go to pay and the cash lady said congrats to us then we had to tell her that he would not me the father. We return to my apartment and I take the test I let is sit for 5 mins and me and jake ate lunch I go to look at the test...........

I melt down to the floor and look at the test again... and start to cry it was positive. I run out and hug jake he looks at me "What did it say?."

"Positive." Is all I needed to say before he starts jumping up and down.

We run over to there house."mikey mikey mikey" I say as he runs down stairs me and him have a good relationship(friends) I'm working on getting back together but Idk what he will say now. "Mike we need to talk your going to be a dad."

"WAIT what we are" he says smiling.
"YES" I say as we hug.

Only me and him go to my house and we watch a movie still surprised from what happend I fall asleep on him thinking about how his mom and my mom will act.

A/N I hope you like this story I'm working on a 2 book so that is why I'm skipping around. 🗻🎶♪⏳ .

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2018 ⏰

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