last day love

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Your pov~
Ahhhh finally the last day of school. I thought to myself as I got on the bus and sat by my friends Joesph, Jessica, and Abigail. "What up people!!" I practically shouted making the bus driver give me a warning glare, I sat down and we did our secret handshake

"Can you believe it's ALREADY the last day of school!?" Abbie said, basically jumping in her seat. "That reminds me" Joesph tries to hop over in Abbie's seat but I grab him and give him a noogie. "When you try your best but you don't succeed." Joesph say in a depressing way and doing the finger tear thing. (A/n I have no clue how to explain it but it's when you use your finger and trail it down your cheek like a tear) everyone laughed. " I hate you all." He said in a pouty voice." We love you too Joesph." You gave everyone a side hug and took a selfie of everyone, you were in the middle holding everyone together while they were smiling genuine smiles."now let's get through the last day of hell-I MEAN SCHOOL!! I totally meant to say school." You guys laughed a bit and separated. Let's try not to lose our mind today (y/n). I put in my earbuds in and close my eyes and continue to walk to my locker but bump into somebody.

Bill's POV

I was walking with Eddie, Stanley, and Richie but then I bumped into someone, I think it was a girl because I felt something squishy. (a/n I'm dying and in need of holy water ASAP) I saw a hand in front of me, offering to help me up. Once I was up I saw it belonged to a beautiful girl, she had the most beautiful and silky looking (h/c) I've ever seen, (e/c) eyes that shine more beautiful than any star, her (s/c) skin looked so smooth that I just wanted to hold her for ever, her choice of clothes said that she was not one to mess with and definitely wasn't a stuck up whore like most girls. I wonder if she is single? Probably not, I mean she is perfect, from her perfect hair down her hourglass figure to her perfectly toned legs, with legs like that she must be a good runner, probably runs from boys every day. I was soon snapped out of my daydreaming by the girl snapping her fingers in front of my face. "Welcome back to earth." She said sarcastically then gave a small laugh. God her voice is like honey, smooth and sweet. " I'm (y/n, welcome back from la la Land." I blushed and chuckled softly. " I-im b-b-bill."" Well b-b-bill, it's nice to meet you and do you mind if I sign your yearbook?""n-not at al-""or you can sign mine." Richie interrupted, I gave him a glare telling him to back off. He just gave me a smirk and turned to (y/n) and gave her a flirtatious wink. She just sweat-dropped and signed all of our year books. Eddie smiled widely, Richie gave a proud grin and Stanley was staring at the spot she signed. When finally signed mine she did something than what she put in theirs, SHE PUT HER NUMBER!!! I felt something leak from her nose and saw that it was blood. Wow bill, you got a nosebleed in front of a hot girl, nice going idiot. I quickly grabbed the guys and was about to leave but I saw Henry walk up to her with a devious smirk." Hey hottie, why don't you sign mine~" I felt my blood boiling at that moment but she looked at me and winked, she signed his. "' nice try man whore but I don't fall for that shit.' " he read aloud and was bout to grab her neck but she roundhouse kicked him in the stomach, kicked him in the nuts, when he was on the ground on his knees she kneed him in the face. "Daaaaaamnnnnn!!" the guys said as I cringed but smiled. Then all of them had a nosebleed, she just laughed and walked past them, but as she walked by me, the most epic thing happened, SHE WINKED AT ME!!! This is going to be a great Summer...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2018 ⏰

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