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Joy whizzed around the two, beaming like a tiny star. "She likes ya!" chuckled Bing Bong, watching as the orb settled into Sarah's hands.

"She's so funny!" Sarah grinned, admiring Bing Bong's companion. What confused the girl, however, was the fact that Joy appeared to be nothing more than a ball of light. She was unable to distinguish a set of wings, a face, or any extremities.

"What is she, exactly?"

"She's a... she's a fairy! Or, I think she is. She looked like this when I met her, but-"

The elephant's words were cut short by the shuffle of footsteps. Bing Bong slapped a hand over his mouth, trembling as Sarah turned her head towards the source of her friend's terror. Through the darkness, she was barely able to make out a tail, a muzzle, and a green tunic... Robin!

Joy jittered gleefully at the sight of the fox. Panicked, Bing Bong ushered the little orb into the front of his jacket.

"Whaddaya got there, mate?" Robin asked as he strapped his dagger to his belt.

"W-What?" the elephant stuttered.

"It's okay, Bing Bong!" Sarah reassured. "He's here to help us."

"Really? Ya mean, help us get outta here?"


"J-Jackie, what if it's a trick —"

"The only sin I have ever committed was making Prince John the laughing stock of Nottingham," Robin chuckled as he took an overly dramatic bow. "The tricks I pull are only on the ones who truly deserve it." The thief winked. "Now, what do ye say? Gonna give me a chance?"

Sarah and Bing Bong exchanged glances, though his held much less enthusiasm than hers. Robin, deciding that a more humble approach may ease the elephant's nerves, fell to one knee. "I give you my word, laddie."

Bing Bong almost cringed, expression appearing muddled as his mind raced. Joy jingled from the inside of his jacket.

Sarah took him by the arm. "I was skeptical, too, okay? But I know that we can trust him... Joy trusts him, too."

"I — Okay. Okay," he reluctantly agreed, realizing how outnumbered he was.

"He only wants to talk to us. You, me, Gurri, the kids and Geno."

Bing Bong scanned Robin from head to toe. He had been on decent terms with the deer so far. This was a fox. Couldn't be that much different, right?

Robin understood how shifty things had become. The world had, after all, fallen into mayhem. But the fact that such a colorful and friendly creature was so reluctant to trust... That alone broke Robin's heart. There was something special about this pachyderm, something that pulled at Robin's heartstrings and made him want to help in any way possible. As for the young girl, she was as human as one could get.

"You can call me Robin," he greeted, offering a gentle handshake.

"Ah, I'm Bing Bong," the pachyderm replied, finally bringing himself to smile.

Robin heard a hint of laughter in that voice, prompting a smile of his own. "A pleasure, Sir Bing Bong. And you..." He turned to Sarah. "I know you."

"Jackie." She stifled a short laugh.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance. Now..." He dropped his voice to a whisper. "We need to gather the others. There's something important that you must know. I don't mean to scare ye, but time is running very, very short."

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