On My Mind

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Kaser Akashi POV

I walked threw the empty halls of the hospital. I couldn't belive I'm made it here without backing out. The hospital's had always remind me of what I had lost. I made my way to Testuya room, thinking of what I had done to him.

I was no father to him…

I had failed him…

I couldn't even protect him or stop this from happening.

"Shut up!"

I look towords the door that my youngest was in.

"I do care about you! I had always care for you the most! I was stupid to let father words get to me! I never met for this to happen!"

I froze at the words that Seijuro had just said.

"I can't lose you…Anyone but you little brother."

Tears started to go down my face.


Was that Testuya voice just now?

I stared at the door where I could hear my two boys crying. I couldn't bring myself to walk in.

Not when I had done this to them both.

So I did the only thing I'm good at.

Walk away…

While walking away the image of Testuya eyes appear in my mind. Those dead blue eyes staring right into my soul.

I'm sorry…

Kise POV

"I wanted Kurokocchi and still do."

I look up at Midorimacchi as tears went down my face.

Real tears?

I guess I only truly cry when it comes to Kurokocchi.

"What did Mine-chin do to Kuro-chin?"

I look over to Murasakibaracchi standing there with a hurt look on his face.

"It's best if you don't hurt Aomine."

"Why not?!"

"Akashi had already delt with him."

"Where's Kuro-chin room at?"

I ignored the two of them since there was one thing on my mind.

Kurokocchi had almost died.

He wanted to end his life.

I won't let this happen.

I storm out of the hospital to make some phones calls.

Murasakibara POV

I watch Kise-chin storm off while Mido-chin went somewhere else.

I went towords the room but froze when I saw Aka-chin and Kuro-chin father standing right in front of the door.

Why is he here?

I watch him walk away without going in to say anything. He looks very upset, I wonder if because of Kuro-chin?

After he left the halls I went over to the door. Once I open the door my heart broke into a million of pieces.

The two most important people in my life are hugging each oth we while crying.

I didn't know what to do or say.

So I just stood there but one thing was on my mind.

I want to crush Mine-chin!

Aomine Dream POV


I open my eyes to see that I was in my old room. The one I had when I was like five. I wonder why I was in this room.

I sat up to look around better.


"Tetsu?" I got out of bed.


I started to panic when I couldn't find him in the room.

"Where are you?"


My whole body froze as I felt my heart breaking.

Dead because of you

"Shut up! Don't say that!"

"Why not?"

I turn around to see Tetsu standing there in a white hospital gown with a Teddy Bear in his arms.

"Tetsu, why are we here?"

"I like this place, it reminds me of an innocent child. To bad that child turn into a monster."

I stared at him while trying to understand the meaning behid his words. It soon click to what he meant.

Tetsu was the innocent child before he met me. I was the one who turn him into a monster.

A monster that's trying to kill himself.

"That child doesn't have to be a monster."

He tilt his head a little with a soft smile. "Really?"

"Yes really," I couldn't help but smile.

"There is a way."

"What way?"

My old room turn into a cliff outside where the woods would had been. I look over to see that I was standing at the edge of the cliff. While he stood right behid me.

"Your death,"

Right when he said that I took a step back only to fall off the cliff. As I was falling I look up to see Tetsu smiling.

No, this can't be it.

There must be another way that we both could be happy.

End of Dream POV

Aomine POV

I sat up as tears gather in my eyes. I look down at the white blankets knowing I'm still in the hospital room.

I must had fell to sleep right after what Kise had said. Those words Echo threw my mind.

"I wanted Kurokocchi and still do."

I know that I mess up but I won't give up.

Not when Tetsu in on my mind.

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