Party? More like Catastrophe

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In the Nightray mansion, the dukedom had hosted a party in for his son's coming of age, as his youngest Elliot was turning 18. 

"Argh.. Do I have to go?" Elliot threw his head back with a scowl. Leo sighed in annoyance at his masters complaints.

"Elliot, is that even a question? This is being hosted for you," Leo explained for possibly the 10th time in the last hour. 

"It's not even to celebrate my birthday, it's simply to get me married!" Elliot growled.

"Elliot! Stop it! Your father will kill me if I don't finish your tie thing," Leo spat angrily. "Plus whats the issue with getting married? At least then I'll stop hearing your stupid complaints about being single," Leo explained and proudly looked at his work well done. 

"Thanks," Elliot thanked for his help. His face heated up from Leo's point. "Th-thats not what I meant!" he fidgeted with his hands with a slight blush. 

"Yeah, yeah whatever you say," Leo casually then took out the book. Elliot glared at his valet.

"Is now really the time for reading!?" Elliot yelled. Leo pretended he hadn't heard him and happily read. Elliot scowled and went up to the mirror.

"Quit fidgeting you look handsome already," Leo complimented, casually flipping a page. 

"W-wha?" Elliot turned around with his cheeks tinted with pink. Leo simply giggled at his masters embarrassment. Something rose in Elliot and he walked over to his valet who was happily smiling at his book, he pulled the book getting an upset protest and was about to be slapped. Elliot moved Leo's glasses gazing in to them. Leo was caught off caught and just blankly stared at the beige haired boy in front of him. "You have beautiful eyes, you don't need to hide them all the time," Elliot whispered. Leo smirked and stifled out a laugh and pushed Elliot, putting his glasses back on.


Elliot took a moment too long to process the entire scene before belatedly flushing. Leo simply continued reading. 

Within the next 20 minutes, Leo got dressed as well and the two left to the ball as Ernest came in and called the two boys in. The main room was decorated in many decorations with a small sign that said "Happy Birthday Elliot Nightray" and something more that Elliot nor Leo bothered themselves with.

"Its so pretty, the ladies will definitely love it here!" Leo chimed happily. Elliot looked at his valet, he brushed his valet's hand gently. He received a confused look from his valet in response. Leo opened his mouth to say something but was cut off.

"Elliot!" Bernard's voice cut off the two from this silent conversation. Elliot instantly went over to his father. Bernice was with Bernard too, smiling sweetly at her son. 

"Happy birthday," his mom cooed. 

"We decided to give you the gift of hosting this ball, making you find your second half," Bernard smiled proudly at his son, and pat his shoulder.

"We made sure to invite all the possible ladies to his," Bernice chimed in with a sweet smile. 

Elliot's voice caught in his throat.

"Th-thank you, mother and father, I really appreciate it," Elliot forced a smile. Elliot started towards the door, Leo followed him after a few seconds. 

"Hey Elliot?" Leo called out as he had leaned against the wall a few meters outside the ball room. Elliot turned to the sound of Leo's voice. "What's wrong? You seem off," Leo asked and poked the older male. 

"Nothing, just felt dizzy," Elliot lied and walked past Leo, who clicked his tongue. 

"You suck at lying, just like you suck at concealing your moans whe--" Leo started. Elliot's eyes widened and he clasped his hands over Leo's mouth. 

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